Thurmont Main Street Center Opens in October
The Main Street Center will open Saturday, October 10, 2015, from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. It will then be open during October and November on Saturdays from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. and Sundays from 12:00-4:00 p.m. The new center is located on Water Street in Thurmont in the former Thurmont Library space.
Volunteers have been stepping forward to assist in various ways at the new center; anyone interested in helping out is welcome. Duties include handing out Thurmont business information to visitors to encourage them to spend time in Thurmont.
In December, the Center’s hours will change to include some evenings to accommodate the Festival of Trees, Wreathes, and Gingerbread House displays. People will be able to vote on their favorite tree and gingerbread house, and the wreathes will be auctioned off after Christmas. Anyone can enter a wreath; details will be mailed out in the electric bills. Gingerbread and wreaths are open to anyone, but trees are open only to businesses. All entries must come from within the Main Street Thurmont area.
Vickie Grinder, the Center’s coordinator and Thurmont’s Main Street manager, is soliciting every business in Thurmont, not just Main Street businesses, to have their information displayed in the Center. Businesses (within the parameters of 21788) that want to take advantage of having their information displayed on a permanent basis, please drop off your material(s) to the Thurmont Town Office, attention Vickie.
Art will be displayed in the Center. Local artists are invited to submit their art for consideration.
The Center will also have retail products for sale, including Josh Bollinger’s barbecue sauce, a Main Street label apple butter, Christmas ornaments for the Thurmont Lions Club, wine glasses from the Thurmont Murals, a lip balm made locally, and so on. If you have any locally-made products that you’d like to sell, please call for consideration.
The Main Street Center will facilitate visitors, as well as offer residents fun and educational events, such as paint night, paint lessons, lectures, WiFi, and other cool happenings.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Vickie Grinder at 301-748-5876.
The Main Street Center, located at 11 Water Street in Thurmont, opens October 10, 2015.