Thurmont Lions Club’s Police Officer of the Year
On January 18, 2022, Sergeant Dave Armstrong was honored as Thurmont Lions Club “Police Officer of the Year” at the town meeting.
Sergeant Armstrong joined the Thurmont Police Department in 2012 after retiring from the Frederick Police Department. He assumed his role as the agency’s training coordinator after being promoted and has developed a timeline for all mandated training.
During this past year, Sgt. Armstrong became an advocate for the skateboarding youth in the town and was instrumental in assisting them with their presentation to the board of commissioners, which led to the construction of the Thurmont Skate Park. The Thurmont Lions Club recognized Sgt. Armstrong for his exemplary service to protect and improve the quality of life under his extraordinary leadership for his devotion, dedication, and hard work for the Thurmont community. He was given a Certificate of Dedication, a gift certificate to a restaurant in Frederick, and $400 to be donated to a charity of his choice: the Cub Scouts.
The Thurmont Lions Club meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at St. John Lutheran Church on Church Street in Thurmont. For more information, visit www.thurmontlionsclub.com or contact Lion Joyce Anthony at jananny@comcast.net or 240-288-8748.

Pictured from left are Lion Jonathan Hamrick, Sgt. Dave Armstrong, and Thurmont Lions Club President Dianne McLean.
Courtesy Photo