Thurmont Lions Club’s Education Night
Education Night was held at the Thurmont Lions Club meeting on May 12, 2021, and it was a very meaningful evening for the teachers, students, parents, and administrators from the Catoctin feeder area! Lion Bob Kells Jr., chair of the Scholarship Committee, presented scholarships to five very outstanding students: Isaac Dugan (Lynn Stuart Scholarship), Ethan Burdette, Ava Maze, Savannah Morris, and Dylan Click. Pablo Arriaga will receive his fourth year of the Vic Jagow Scholarship.
Three outstanding teachers were nominated for the Teacher of the Year Award. The teachers recognized were: Katherine Best from Thurmont Elementary, Kristianne Dove from Thurmont Primary, and Sarah Gue from Thurmont Middle School. Kristianne Dove was presented with the well-deserved 2021 Teacher of the Year award. Thank you to all of the teachers who have worked so hard to continue to educate our youth.

Pictured from left are Jen Clements, principal at Catoctin High; Ethan Burdette; Savannah Morris; Ava Maze; and Isaac Dugan. Absent from picture: Dylan Click and Pablo Arriaga.
Courtesy Photo