Thurmont Lions Club Welcomes New Member

Courtesy Photo

Pictured from left are Lions Wanda Ottey and Ruth Heaney, President Julie El-Taher, and PDG Paul Cannada.

On December 14, 2022, PDG Paul Cannada inducted a new member into the Thurmont Lions Club: Wanda Ottey, sponsored by Lion Ruth Heaney.  Lion Wanda has lived outside of Sabillasville for approximately 24 years. She has relatives in the military in the area. She is interested in helping to build the community, working on committees in and outside of the club, and is grateful to be given the opportunity. 

The club members extended a warm welcome to its new member and welcomed her into its “Lions family.”

The Thurmont Lions Club meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at St. John Lutheran Church, located on Church Street in Thurmont. For more information, visit or contact Lion Susan Favorite at [email protected] or 240-409-1747.

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