Thurmont Lions Club Presents “Lion of the Year” Award
Lion Marci Veronie was recognized by President Susan Favorite as the recipient of the prestige “Lion of the Year” Award for the Thurmont Lions Club.
Lion Marci has been a Lion for only three years, but during this time, she has excelled above and beyond her duties and accomplishments. She is the 1st vice president for the club.
Lion Marci is organizing a “Wag and Wine” project to benefit the Leader Dog program to be held in April 2022. The program was canceled last year due to COVID-19. In addition, she has chaired and participated in many club projects and fundraisers, such as Easter Egg Fundraiser, Leadership Development, Main Street Cleanup, Lions Wear, Nominating Committee, Nursing Home Christmas, Veteran’s Wreath Laying, pit sandwich sales, and so many more. Lion Marci is responsible for the clubs social media accounts. Congratulations, Lion Marci Veronie!
Pictured from left are President Lion Susan Favorite and Lion Marci Veronie.