Thurmont Lions Club Installs New Officers for 2021-2022
The Thurmont Lions Club welcomed District Governor Barbara Brimigion to officiate the installation of officers for the year 2021-2022.
District Governor Brimigion expressed to the members that in order to have a successful year it depends upon what individual members are doing to make a difference in the community and worldwide. The success of the club depends on its officers.

Pictured from left are: (front row) Lisa Riffle, 1-Year Director; Jan Ely, Dues Treasurer; Julie El-Taher, 2nd Vice President; Dianne McLean, President; Maxine Troxell, Assistant Secretary; (back row) Marci Veronie, 1st Vice President; Susan Smith, Assistant Treasurer; Don Ely, 2-Year Director; George Bolling, 2-Year Director; Doug Favorite, Treasurer; Joyce Anthony, Secretary and Membership Chair; Don Keeney, Jr., Tail Twister; Susan Favorite, LCIF Chair and Immediate Past President; Gayle DiSalvo, Lion Tamer; Bill Reckley, 1-Year Director.
Courtesy Photo