Thurmont Lions Club 95th Anniversary Celebration

Throughout the year, Thurmont Lions Club members receive recognition for their dedication and service to others. Some members go above and beyond to give their service. During the evening of the Thurmont Lions Club’s 95th Charter Night Anniversary, several members were recognized by receiving awards. For more information about the Thurmont Lions Club, visit their website at

Note: To see additional awards presented, view the December 2024 issue of The Catoctin Banner at

Lion Sean Young was the recipient of The Rookie of the Year Award. Not only is Sean a Lion, he is one of the Scout Masters for the Thurmont Scout Troop 270.

Pictured are Lion Sean Young and President Nancy Echard.

The Lions Club Scouting Service Award was awarded to Lion Carie Stafford. Lion Carie Stafford joined the Thurmont Lions Club in May 2019.

Lion Marci Veronie received the District Governor Metal of Commendation. Lion Marci is a strong resource for all things public relations and media-related.

Pictured are Lion Marci Veronie and President Nancy Echard.

Lion Dianne McLean received the District Governor’s Medal of Commendation. She has undertaken Roar like a Lion event and has led other service projects/challenges within the club.

Pictured are President Nancy Echard and Lion Dianne McLean.

PDG Paul Cannada presented three deserving Melvin Jones Fellowship awards to Lions Deborah Schray, Sharon Morgan, and Gayle DiSalvo. This award is the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarian ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism.  The award shows the exemplary service to the club and the community for which they serve.

Pictured are Lion Deborah Schray and President Nancy Echard.

Past District Governor Jeremy Bair, representing the Host Committee of the 2027 Lions Clubs International Convention, presented a sponsor pin to PDG Paul Cannada. The commemorative pin confirms a donation to be read in honor of PDG Paul Cannada of the Thurmont Lions Club at the convention to be held in Washington, DC in July 2027.

Pictured are PDG Jeremy Bair and PDG Paul Cannada.

Lion Don Keeney, Jr. welcomed Mayor John Kinnaird as an Honorary Thurmont Lions Club member.

Pictured (from left) are Mayor John Kinnaird, President Nancy Echard, and Lion Don Keeney, Jr.

Pictured are Lion Sharon Morgan and President Nancy Echard.

Pictured are Lion Gayle DiSalvo and President Nancy Echard.

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