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Thurmont High School Class of 1965 Holds Reunion

Thurmont High School Class of 1965 celebrated their 50th class reunion on June 5, 2015. A dinner dance was held at the Thurmont American Legion. The seventy-first class to graduate Thurmont High School was comprised of one hundred seventeen students, of which twenty-nine are deceased. Thirty-seven classmates returned to socialize with old friends. Some classmates traveled distances from New Hampshire, Iowa, Utah, Montana, Delaware, and North Carolina. Two teachers were in attendance: Paul Nolan of Thurmont and John Zink of Boonsboro. THS 50th Class Reunion-2015 Pictured from left are: (front row) Paul Nolan (teacher), Robert Zink (teacher), Arlene Glass Fogle, Pat Nunemaker Flohr, Sharon Moser Billones, Virginia Feeser Hanson, Christine Fuss Shriner, Joyce Wolfe Oakes, Marlene Kolb Cook, Nellie Dayhoff Hall; (second row) Gary Shapiro, Dave Stottlemeyer, Rusty Hauver, Doug Fornwald, Carol Shriner Martin, Paula Marshall Garman, Carol Smith Robertson, Darlene Frye Rickerd, Bill Zentz, Carol Royer, Donald Wastler, Vera Jean Bailey Benchoff, Ilene Whipp Weeks; (back row) Gene Eyler, Connie Myers, Richard Weagley, Ronnie Albaugh, Sandra Hauver Wagaman, Jim Stirling, Pauline Ridge Grimes, Carla Zentz Fitz, Mick Strine, Michael Byrne, Carlotta Smith Robertson, Linda Angel Lewis, Carol Anders Riggs, Janie Fox Sharpe, Denny Black, Leah Radeke, Donna Draper Sweeney, Joe Benchoff, Bonnie Blair Johnson, Richard Mathias, Harvey Wetzel.