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Thurmont High School Alumni Cancels Banquet

The Thurmont High School Alumni Association has canceled its banquet scheduled for September 19, 2020, and rescheduled it for next year on June 12, 2021, at the Thurmont Event Complex, located at 13716 Strafford Drive (off Lawyers Lane) in Thurmont.

In order to give more scholarships in 2021, please make scholarship donations to The Community Foundation of Frederick County, 312 East Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701, or online at, then press “give now” and enter Thurmont High School Alumni Scholarship Fund.

This year’s five scholarship awards of $1,600 each were awarded to the following individuals: Alexa Hopkins, Coastal Carolina University; Abigail Kinnaird, Frederick Community College; Molly Knighton, Loyola University of Maryland; Krista Royer, Von Lee International School of Aesthetics; and Garrett Toms, West Virginia University.

The new Don Dougherty, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund that was started by his mother, Doris Dougherty, awarded scholarships to Molly Harbaugh and Owen Bubczyk.

Funds will be received from the new Donald Lewis Memorial Scholarship Fund in 2021 for scholarships.

Officers for 2021 are Howard Lewis—President; Viola Noffsinger—Secretary; Becky Linton—Treasurer. The alumni association is in need of a vice president and someone with EXCEL abilities for its reservation list for the banquet and people willing to become involved. Please notify them of any address changes and deaths. You can keep in touch by emailing, checking the Facebook Page at Thurmont High School Alumni Assn., or calling Viola Noffsinger at 301-418-1760.

Plans for 2021 will be the banquet on June 12, 2021, honoring the classes ending in 0 and 5 as well as 1 and 6.