Thurmont High School Alumni Annual Banquet
Maxine troxell
Volunteers with the Thurmont Alumni Association hosted the Thurmont High School (THS) Alumni Annual Banquet at the Thurmont Event Complex on June 11, 2022. Alumni President Howard Lewis (Class of ‘60) welcomed the crowd of about 200, and Ron Free (Class of ‘64) served as master of ceremonies. Joanne Coleman Gaver (Class of ‘51) gave the invocation.
Fond alumni memories were shared with a big screen video developed by Maxine Troxell (Class of ‘62), with photos from the good old days in school.
In addition to the social aspect of the banquet, some association business was conducted with the reading of the organization’s last meeting minutes by Secretary Viola Noffsinger (Class of ‘58), as well as the Treasurer’s Report and Scholarship Fund Report by Treasurer Becky Linton (Class of ‘58).
Scholarships totaling $22,400 were awarded to this year’s scholars. Those receiving scholarships were:
Paige Baker (Catoctin HS)—Albert Eyler, Jr. (Class of 1944)
Rianna Chaney (Catoctin HS)—Mark Long (Class of 1971), Raymond Long (Class of 1953), Carole Beauchamp (Class of 1956)
Sheridan Chaney (Catoctin HS)—Mark Long (Class of 1971), Raymond Long (Class of 1953), Carole Beauchamp (Class of 1956)
Joshua Glass (Catoctin HS)—Cindy Shire (Class of 1970)
Makenzie Kuhn (Catoctin HS)—Barry Kuhn (Class of 1971), Barry Brown (Class of 1972), Richard F. Kuhn, Jr. (Class of 1968)
Jack Willard (Brunswick HS)— Morris Willard (Class of 1952)
Anniversary classes honored at this banquet were graduating classes: 1942, 1947, 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, and 1972.
Election of officers for 2023 were: President—Ron Pearcey, Vice President—Rusty Hauver, Secretary—Viola Noffsinger, Treasurer—Becky Linton. Volunteers are needed for assistant secretary and assistant treasurer.
Prizes were given for the oldest attendee, Edward Coleman (Class of ‘42), and the person who traveled the furthest, Terry Miller (from Waxahachie, Texas).
Door prizes, donated by various local businesses and organizations, were hosted by Ron Pearcey, Ray May, and Lela Weaver; 50/25/25, Basket & Baked Goods Raffles—Bill Eyler, Melanie Pearcey, Bernadine Trout, Nancy Rice, Carol Long; Auctions—Bill Eyler.
The banquet was closed by President Howard Lewis. Next year’s THS Alumni Banquet will be held June 10, 2023.
The Thurmont High School Alumni would like to thank the following donors of door prizes and auction items: Door prizes: Bollinger’s Restaurant, Trout’s Market, Carriage House Inn Restaurant, Catoctin Mountain Orchard, Roy Rogers Restaurant, Mountain Memories, The Ott House, Fratelli’s New York Pizza, Karen Myers Bouquets, Gateway Candyland, Weis Market, Hillside Turkey Farm, Hobbs Hardware, Jubilee Foods, Mountain Gate Restaurant, Epicure Foods LLC, Rocky’s Pizza, and Kountry Kitchen; Auction items: Original THS Brick —Dick Creager & Tena Creager Karinshak, THS Cats Meow—Becky Linton, Maple Run Golf Outing—Russell Moser, Wine Display—Gladys Baker.
Photos by Maxine Troxell

Class of 1944 Edward Coleman

Class of 1952 (from left) Rodman Myers, Virginia Dewees Portner, and Charles Portner.

Class of 1957 (from left) Back row: Don Clabaugh, Chester Fogle, Donald Stitely Robert Layman, Plummer Fraley; Front row: Frank Free, Connie Heck Testaman, Betty Lee Eyler Rickard, Ross Smith, and Terry Miller.

Class of 1947 Robert Fox

Class of 1962 (from left) Back row: Charles Harbaugh, Jack Sease, Earl Miller, Mike Thompson, James Mackley; Center row: Maxine Fogle Troxell, Judy Coleman Knott, Jerry Moser, Beverly Rayford Mapp, Helen Staub Troxell, Beverly Hoke, Frances Beard Redding, Nancy Gearhart Rice; Front row: Jerry Weddle, Cheryl Zentz Hildebrand, Phyllis Johnson Dayhoff, and Betty Keeey Dewees. Missing from photo: James Abiba, Larry Eby, Edward Reifsnider, and Dennis Hoffman.

Class of 1967 (from left) Back row: Bill Eyler, Larry Clabaugh, Wayne Moser, Mike Smith; Front row: Faye Christie Worth, Larry Brown, and Jim Kuhn.

Scholarship recipients: THS Alumni President Howard Lewis presents scholarships to Jack Willard, Rianna Chaney, Sheridan Chaney, and Paige Baker (Joshua Glass and Mackenzie Kuhn not pictured).Teacher Clarence Piper