The Supermarket Gourmet
by Buck Reed
Articles I Probaby Won’t Be Writing This Month
First off, let me say the internet is a wonderful tool. At no time in the history of the world has information been so readily available for anyone who has access to it. Not only can we find out the current number of aardvarks at the zoo in Cleveland, Ohio, but we can also find out what Sally Scofield of New Banger, Maine, thinks of her neighbor’s blueberry crumble if the old dear decides she wants us to know. And one thing I know about Sally, she loves to share these things.
Looking up facts can be a tricky endeavor on the internet, and unless Snopes starts verifying the actual number of vegans there are on the planet, you pretty much must rely on what your fellow bloggers are saying. But if you are two days from deadline and need an idea on what to write about, the internet might be helpful. You can read through a few articles that seem to be trending and try to get an idea there. What you do not want to do is go on Facebook and get into your Learning Chef page and ask them for ideas.
The Learning Chef page is a pretty good one as far as sites go. It is made up of both professional and amateur cooks, looking to improve their art by sharing ideas as well as information. Unlike most pages for pro chefs, it doesn’t degrade into rants of self-important line cooks complaining about the know-nothing owners and the uncouth customers who just don’t understand how much Parmesan foam is going to make your dish a hit. The customers have Yelp to rant, and we have Facebook pages to retaliate. These guys are usually good with ideas and criticism and that is why I had no problem asking them for ideas. And they are good ideas, but just not for me.
One aspiring chef wanted me to write an article that would explain the life of a line cook and the trials they deal with on a daily basis. I rejected this idea immediately, under the notion that I do not want this to become a rage page for something that I decided a long time ago I wanted to do. The fact that someone didn’t like my specialty dish doesn’t change any of that. You think your life is hard, try doing it on the cruise ships. The fact that it is hard doesn’t mean I love it any less.
The next suggestion was a treatise on cooking your next meal in the dishwasher or under the hood of your car on the drive home. I can’t really do 500 words on “don’t do that.”
One girl wanted me to write about being a female in a professional kitchen. Until I go the Bruce Jenner route, I really have no frame of reference for this material.
Many suggested I write about Anthony Bourdain. It is a topical subject, but I never really related to his. He was an angry man who had a lot of demons. His story is a good example of no matter how much success or riches you might have in life, if you do not conquer your demons, that success is not going to help you much.
I did get a few ideas that might work, and you might see them here soon if I can flesh them out. But I would like to hear your ideas for this column. Please write to me at [email protected]. I promise if I reject them, I will not dedicate an article to them.