The Shamrock is no more
James Rada, Jr.
Northern Frederick County lost a landmark last month when the Shamrock Restaurant was torn down. It gives the west side of Route 15, north of Thurmont, an empty look.
The 2.7-acre property sold last year to Two Farms, Inc. of Baltimore for just under $4 million. Two Farms is a holding company for properties for Royal Farm Stores.
Royal Farms is a convenience store/gas station chain, much like Sheetz and Rutter’s. It is well known for its fresh-cooked chicken. The chain has been around since 1959 and has 205 locations in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
The building had to have asbestos removed earlier this year. Site work for the new Royal Farm Store will now begin. It is expected to be built between the old Shamrock Restaurant and Franklinville Road.
Traffic flow in and out of the location and across Route 15 is expected to complicate things.
It is believed that the Franklinville Road crossover of Route 15 will have to be closed and northbound traffic rerouted to Route 15. This has yet to be determined, though as things still seem in the early stages.

Photos by Kirby Delauter