The Rocky Ridge 2024 Baby Show Results
The annual Mt. Tabor Church Big Picnic, Tractor Parade, and Baby Show was held on Saturday, August 10, at Mt. Tabor Park in Rocky Ridge, with lots of sunshine and a great time had by all! A total of 34 babies—12 girls and 22 boys—participated in the show. There were also 18 tractors in the Tractor Parade! The youngest baby was the six-week-old son of Ellie and Davis Crouse of Taneytown. There were no twins or triplets in this year’s Baby Show. Owen Leroy Hourihan, six-month-old son of Ashton and Manley Hourihan, traveled the farthest distance from Germantown. Babies placed in three categories: prettiest girl, cutest boy, and chubbiest baby, in five age categories (1 day to 24 months old).
There were five babies in the one day to three‐month‐old category. The prettiest girl was Jaycee McAfee, two-month-old daughter of Justin and Kendra McAfee of Rocky Ridge. The cutest boy was Fulton Gsell, two-month‐old son of Lexi and Ben Gsell of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. Felix Masser, two-month-old son of Elise and Brandon Masser of Sabillasville, was named the chubbiest baby. There were five babies in the four- to six-month-old age category. The prettiest girl was Emersyn Gemmell, six-month-old daughter of Taylor and Nathaniel Gemmell of Fairfield, Pennsylvania. The cutest boy was Dallas Lilly, four‐month‐old son of Katie Lilly of Thurmont. The chubbiest baby was Harper Gregory, four-month-old daughter of Collin and Danielle Gregory of Rocky Ridge.
In the 7-to-12‐month‐old category, there were 16 babies, the largest group of babies for this year’s show. Ember Snedegar, 8‐month‐old daughter of Natalie and Tommy Snedegar of Rocky Ridge, was judged the prettiest girl. The cutest boy was Lincoln Sherman Shuff, 11‐month‐old son of Ryan Shuff and Danielle Golden of Brunswick. Tatum Lee Staub, 9‐month‐old son of Darren Staub and Haley Varner of Thurmont, was named the chubbiest baby. The 13- to 18‐month‐old category had six registered babies. Heidi Jo Orndorff, 15‐month‐old daughter of Alana and Conner Orndorff of Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania, was judged the prettiest girl. The cutest boy was Ford Gebhart of Fairfield, Pennsylvania, 13‐month‐old son of Rachel and David Gebhart. The chubbiest baby was Tyler Domer, 18‐month‐old son of Destiny and Hunter Domer of Rocky Ridge.
In the 19-to-24‐month‐old category, there were only two babies. Ivy Barnhart-Smith, 23-month-old daughter of Lexi Barnhart and Colby Smith of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, was named the prettiest girl. Hayden Myers, 23‐month‐old son of Laci and Steven Myers of Cascade, was named the cutest boy and the chubbiest baby.
Please come out again next year on Saturday, August 9, to Mt. Tabor Park for the annual Baby Show. You may register your baby (or babies) who range in age from 1 day up to 24 months. Watch your local newspaper for more details, including registration time.