The 134th Anniversary Banquet of the Vigilant Hose Company
Deb Abraham Spalding
Photos by Deb Abraham Spalding
The 134th anniversary banquet of the Vigilant Hose Company (VHC) was held in the Vigilant Hose Company Activities Building on January 6, 2018. A new board of directors included members from both the former Emmitsburg Volunteer Ambulance Company (EVAC) and the VHC. As of January 1, 2018, the two entities merged, to create a new stronger, unified VHC.
Timothy M. Clarke, a member of the board of directors and former VHC president served as master of ceremonies for the banquet.
Guest speakers included Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner, Frederick County Councilman Kirby Delauter, and Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs.
Gardner expressed, “About the merger, you’ve really got it right, and you’re really focused on serving people. You should all be proud of what you’ve accomplished.” She talked about a volunteer corporation consolidation incentive program that has been created to provide a temporary increase in funding from Frederick County Government to support the merger. She indicated that this merger should be a model for communities. She thanked VHC for being the first to go through a new volunteer accreditation process.
Kirby Delauter said, “Northern Frederick County and Vigilant led the way; they’ve always led the way. That’s nothing new,” adding, “It’s a lot of work. Northern Frederick County is the best kept secret in Frederick County.”
Mayor Briggs thanked all the “volunteer professionals” in the room. “These words don’t usually go together, but they do in this town… It’s a terrific town and it’s a real honor to be your mayor.”
The installation of officers was led by the Acting Director of Frederick County Volunteer Fire Services Kevin Fox, and the 2018 officers were introduced. 2018 Administrative Officers: President A. Frank Davis; Vice President David Stonesifer; Secretary Steven W. Valentine; Assistant Secretary Thomas Ward; Treasurer Steven M. Hollinger; Assistant Treasurer William D. Boyd, Jr.; Chaplain Fr. Charles Krieg; Board of Directors, Pam Bolin, Timothy M. Clarke, Elyssa Cool, Pam Ellison, Mary Lou Little, Randy Myers, Douglas D. Orner, Carl A. White, and David Zentz.
Operational Officers: Chief Chad M. Umbel; Deputy Chief James E. Click; Assistant Chief Joshua Brotherton; Captain Alex McKenna; Lieutenant Derek Rosensteel; Lieutenant Douglas Yingling; Lieutenant Marc Piermatteo; EMS Captain Amber Zimmerman; EMS Lieutenant Chad Zimmerman.
Fire Police: Captain Tom Vaughn; 1st Lieutenant Stephen Orndorff; 2nd Lieutenant Samuel Cool.
Auxiliary Officers: President Tina Ryder; Vice President Sharel Boyle; Treasurer Jo Ann Boyd; Secretary Joyce Glass; Financial Secretary Mandy Ryder; Co-Historians, Jennifer Boyd and Katie Davis.
Father Charles Krieg led a memorial service for Timothy “Chop” Andrew (October 21,1958 to August 29, 2017). Ed Little was awarded a shield to recognize his contribution, support, and diligence toward the merger of the EVAC with the VHC.
VHC President Frank Davis reminded the audience that the Company would never be nearly as successful without its Auxiliary. Auxiliary President Tina Ryder presented the VHC with a check for $40,000, representing the Auxiliary’s fundraising support from efforts in 2017.
Chief Chad Umbel recognized career staff by presenting them with apparel and certificates.
Tim Clarke presented Length of Service Awards: Tyler Arrowood, Bradley Hargadon, and Tim McKenna (5 years); Ron Face, Jason Powell, and Shane Wivell (15 years); Chris “Boog” Stahley (25 years and Life Membership awarded); Dale “Bubba” Glass (35 years); Frank Davis and Cliff Shriner (40 years); Carl Angleberger and Doug Orner (45 years); Jim Kittinger (50 years); Bob Hardman, Clarence Orndorff, and Bob Rosensteel, Sr. (55 years); and Leo Mike Boyle (65 years).
Top LOSAP: Derek Rosensteel (298 points), Chris McKenna (320), Patrick O’Hanlan (390), Josh Brotherton (523), Dave Zentz, Jr. (607), Jim Click (646), Top LOSAP earner—Cliff Shriner (1,320 points).
Top responders 2017: Hugh Boyle (114 calls), Randy Myers (119), Chris McKenna and Derek Rosensteel (123), Tom Ward (133), Matt Legare and Brandon Burriss (137), Dave Zentz (180), Frank Davis (230), and Top Responder—Cliff Shriner (307). The call total for 2017 was 513.
Top Fire Police Responders: Tom Vaughn (24 calls), Sam Cool (88), Top Fire Police Responder—Steve Orndorff (103).
The VHC Training Award was presented to Dave Zentz. A special award was presented to Tom Vaughn.
Chief Umbel gave a special presentation to Chris “Boog” Stahley in recognition of his service. Tim Clarke presented the Silver Spring Award for Fire Prevention to Alyssa Cool on behalf of the Maryland State Fireman’s Convention.
The President’s Award was presented to Doug Orner, the Chief’s Award was presented to Cliff Shriner, and the Member of the Year award was presented to Dave Zentz.
The following two members were inducted into the VHC Hall of Fame: Daniel J. Kaas (deceased) and Robert A. “Rosie” Rosensteel, Jr.
In closing, Tim Clarke surmised, “It goes without saying that the merger was the most important event of 2017. We did what was best for the community. One special person deserves a ton of credit for beginning the conversation about doing what was right for her organization and most importantly for the Emmitsburg Community: Mary Lou Little.”
VHC achieved a lot in 2017 by hosting successful fundraisers, ordering a new ambulance, and continuing to train new techniques. Tim reminded the audience, “You, the membership, should be extremely proud of your accomplishments year after year, and the high regard in which our little hometown volunteer fire company is held in the eyes of the fire service professionals from all over the world.”
2018 VHC Officers (left to right top row) Pam Bolin, Pam Ellison, Douglas Orner, Timothy Clarke, Mary Lou Little, Carl White, Elyssa Cool, Randy Myers and David Zentz. (Seated) Frank Davis, David Stonesifer, Steven Valentine, Thomas Ward, Steven Hollinger, William Boyd, and Fr. Charles Krieg.
Top Responders are shown (left to right) Hugh Boyle, Randy Myers, Derek Rosensteel, Tom Ward, Matt Legare, Brandon Burriss, Dave Zentz, and Cliff Shriner.
Auxiliary Officers are (left to right) Mandy Ryder, Joyce Glass, JoAnn Boyd, Sharel Boyle, and Tina Ryder. (Standing) Jen Boyd and Katie Davis.
Upon being inducted into the VHC’s Hall of Fame, Robert Rosensteel, Jr. (left) is shown with his father, Robert Rosensteel, Sr.