“Thanks to all who have encouraged me!” said Rall.

Sabillasville Cookbook Available A cookbook named “Kitchen Help” will be available in November. The book is from St. John’s United Church of Christ in Sabillasville and honors its Ladies’ Guild. The Guild was in existence seventy-five years, from 1932-2007. Inside the book, you will find a story of the first twenty years of the Guild’s existence taken from their minutes, two pictures of Guild members, helpful hints, and many recipes from Sabillasville and surrounding communities. This book would make a great gift. The book was compiled by Joan Bittner Fry and printed by E+ Copy Center in Emmitsburg. To order a book, contact [email protected] or call the church at 301-241-3488 and leave a message with your name and number. Someone will get back to you. The price of the book is $17.50 each or two for $30.00. Poetry by Francis Smith It is a pinto sunset like spotted steeds the cloudlets race across this fall’s horizon. Some say it’s Indian Summer the last blast of our sunny season. The real reason why the clouds send us a peachy sky where eternal blue yields its coolness is our atmosphere anticipates the autumn grandeur of painted and falling leaves while Canadian geese in famed formation and chorus strong flap their wings and honk their song in their way to warmer pastures
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