Happily Ever After - Grateful Anyway
by Valerie Nusbaum This column is for the November issue, so it should be about Thanksgiving and/or being grateful for what we have. In truth, I’m writing this in early October and Thanksgiving is just a blip on my radar at this point. I’m in the middle of getting things ready for Randy’s and my…
The Supermarket Gourmet
Get Out of the Thanksgiving Box by Buck Reed If Thanksgiving is a celebration or thanks for the bounty of the season, then why do we limit the foods we eat to the same thing every year? Why not add a dish or two to your table? A new dish might add a little pizzazz…
Thurmont Ambulance Company Opens Event Complex
Deb Spalding The members of the Thurmont Community Ambulance Service, Inc. have officially opened a large facility for public event rentals and their own fundraising activities. This 28,600-square-foot venue was designed by Company member, Jim Rice. It is situated on 21.5 acres of ground, adjacent to the Thurmont Little League baseball fields in Thurmont, and…
Happily Ever After
The Perfect Thanksgiving by Valerie Nusbaum When I’m writing, I dictate my notes and thoughts into a digital recorder to be organized and typed at a later date. I carry my recorder with me at all times, because I never know when a good idea will hit me. I’m well aware that as quickly as…
Roasting Up A New Tradition
Buck Reed The Supermarket Gourmet November brings us Thanksgiving—either our most favorite or most feared holiday for cooking. I guess I shouldn’t be allowed to say that, as those who like to cook love this holiday, and those who do not make sure they are in a relationship with someone who does. I could talk…