Thurmont High School Alumni Annual Banquet
Maxine troxell Volunteers with the Thurmont Alumni Association hosted the Thurmont High School (THS) Alumni Annual Banquet at the Thurmont Event Complex on June 11, 2022. Alumni President Howard Lewis (Class of ‘60) welcomed the crowd of about 200, and Ron Free (Class of ‘64) served as master of ceremonies. Joanne Coleman Gaver (Class of…
Thurmont High School Alumni Holds Annual Banquet
Volunteers with the Thurmont Alumni Association hosted the Thurmont High School (THS) Alumni Annual Banquet at the Thurmont Event Complex on June 12, 2021. Alumni president, Howard Lewis (Class of ‘60), welcomed the crowd of about 200, and Ron Free (Class of ‘64) served as Master of Ceremonies. Carol Long (Class of ‘72), Nancy Rice…
Annual Thurmont High School Alumni Banquet Held
Maxine Troxell The Annual Thurmont High School Alumni Banquet was held June 1, 2019, at the Thurmont Event Complex. President Howard Lewis (Class of 1960), who replaced the late Don Dougherty as president, served as master of ceremonies. The ceremonies opened with the singing of the “National Anthem,” followed by a delicious meal, served by…
101 Years and Still Celebrating
Theresa Dardanell Thurmont High School alumni, along with spouses and guests, gathered together on June 3, 2017, at the Lewistown Fire Hall for their annual banquet. Over 220 people enjoyed a delicious turkey and fried shrimp dinner, served by the Lewistown Volunteer Fire Company. Alumni Association President Don Dougherty (class of 1969) began with a…