Lewistown Ruritan Club Offers Scholarships
The Lewistown Ruritan Club is offering scholarships to graduates of Catoctin High School and Thomas Johnson High School or relatives of Lewistown Ruritan current or past members. These scholarships are available for a community college, a four-year college, and vocational or trade schools. Completed applications are to be returned to Randy Green, 17 Sunfish Trail,…
Local Student Artist
Deb Spalding Alyssa Imes of Emmitsburg (pictured right) is a student of art. The dining room of her parent’s home resembles an art museum with displays and photos of her sculptures. A muse-ful elephant smiles at you proudly with his ceramics metallic body and wire trunk; a gumby giraffe made of screws and pipe seems…
Local Student Artist
Deb Spalding Alyssa Imes of Emmitsburg (pictured right) is a student of art. The dining room of her parent’s home resembles an art museum with displays and photos of her sculptures. A muse-ful elephant smiles at you proudly with his ceramics metallic body and wire trunk; a gumby giraffe made of screws and pipe seems…