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MICHEL TESTER “Spring it Forward, Purge It Out” Where did the phrase “spring cleaning” get its start? Why do we have this monumental urge to clean out the house in the spring? Why not in the winter when we’re all stuck inside anyway? In the 19th century, the warmer weather of early spring (but not…

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· Columns

Catoctin Kids

“Spring Cleaning” by Anita DiGregory Well, it’s that time of the year again! We made it through another winter. Spring has sprung. It is staying lighter later. The temperatures are slowing climbing, and the kids are just begging to get outside and break free from the cabin fever that set in over the winter. But…

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· Columns

Happily Ever After

Ode to February by Valerie Nusbaum February is the shortest month of the year, but it’s a special month because every four years a February 29th comes along.  Our second calendar month is home to Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, and President’s Day.  February is also the most likely month to play host to a blizzard.…

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