Thurmont Little League Kicks Off 73rd Season
Alisha Yocum Despite the weather not being particularly conducive to baseball, Thurmont Little League (TLL) families and local community members gathered for a great day of baseball at Opening Day on Saturday, April 6, to mark the beginning of the 2024 season. The spirit of America’s beloved pastime prevailed as a large American flag flew…
Opening Day Draws Huge Crowds
Ryan Tokar, Thurmont Little League Baseball is officially back at Thurmont Little League (TLL). The four TLL majors teams kicked off the spring season by participating in the annual Garel Hauver Memorial Tournament, hosted by Brunswick Little League. Despite the frigid temperatures and mixture of wind, rain, and even snow over the course of the…
Thurmont Little League: 70 Years and Going Strong
As the 2021 spring season approaches, Thurmont Little League is looking to the future, yet reflecting on the past as well. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the league. Although COVID-19 restrictions will not allow for the grand celebration deserving of such a milestone, the board of directors is still working hard to plan…
Thurmont Little League Opening Day Grace Eyler On April 16, 2016, the community gathered to celebrate its love for baseball and the Opening Day of the 65th season of the Thurmont Little League. At the grandstand on the league fields that are located on East Main Street in Thurmont, teams practiced and families found a…