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once upon a time...

March 1925, 100 Years Ago Buy Thurmont Hotel The new Thurmont Hotel, of which Mrs. Evelyn Weiss was proprietor, has been sold to Leon B. Ramsdell and Robert H. Duff, both of whom are connected with the Opera House and Empire theatres. Possession will be given on Saturday at noon. The consideration is private. The…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

February 1925, 100 Years Ago Warrant 2 Years Old Causes Arrest After a search extending for nearly two years, James Spear, about 30, formerly a Frederick lunchroom proprietor, was arrested on Saturday by County Constable Charles W. Smith on a warrant charging him with assault with intent to kill. The charge against Spear is the…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

James Rada, Jr. Note: Newspaper excerpts are as they appeared in their respective issues. January 1925, 100 Years Ago Emmitsburg Community Show Held on Thursday The annual Emmitsburg Community Show will be held all day Thursday and at night in the Emmitsburg High School and will be featured by large displays of grain, potatoes and…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

James Rada, Jr. Note: Newspaper excerpts are as they appeared in their respective issues. December 1924, 100 Years Ago Dr. O’Toole in London According to a teller received by Edmund it. Fhidung, a Baltimore entomologist, Dr. Bernard F. O’Toole, of Thurmont, recently saw the collection of rare butterflies and moms of Lord Rothschild of England.…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

James Rada, Jr. Note: Newspaper excerpts are as they appeared in their respective issues. November 1924, 100 Years Ago Annual Apple Show Is Held At Thurmont Located in the heart of the county apple belt, Thurmont’s third annual exhibition held recently in Thurmont, under the supervision of the Citizens Saving Bank, a branch of the…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

James Rada, Jr. Note: Newspaper excerpts are as they appeared in their respective issues. October 1924, 100 Years Ago Annual Convention of Pythian Sisters The fourth annual convention of Pythian Sisters of District No. 2, of Maryland, was held in Thurmont Monday afternoon and night with 82 delegates present from the six temples comprising the…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

James Rada, Jr. Note: Newspaper excerpts are as they appeared in their respective issues. September 1924, 100 Years Ago Dentist Leaves For Africa For Big Game Hunt The dream of every hunter, from the boy who takes pot shots at squirrels to the man who hunts moose and bear, will soon be realized by Dr.…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

James Rada, Jr. Note: Newspaper excerpts are as they appeared in their respective issues. August 1924, 100 Years Ago Union Mfg. Co. Picnic Planned Former employes as well as those now on the payroll are invited to participate in thesecond annual picnic of the Union Manufacturing Company, this city, which will be held inWillow Grove…

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· Columns

once upon a time…

July 1924, 100 Years Ago Thurmont To Have Big 4th Celebration One of the largest Fourth of July celebrations ever held in Thurmont will take place Friday. An elaborate program which includes a parade, a baseball game, etc., has been prepared by the Civic League of Thurmont which is in charge of the demonstration. The…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

June 1924, 100 Years Ago Deserted On Her Wedding Day, Says James R. Lowery, about 45 years old, formerly of Point of Rocks, was arrested Tuesday afternoon by County Constable Charles W. Smith, charged with desertion and nonsupport. He will be given a hearing in police court this evening at 7:30 o’clock. Lowery recently married…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

May 1924, 100 Years Ago Thurmont Light Plant Cleared $38.01 in Year That the financial condition of Thurmont is sound and on a firm basis is shown by the following statement of receipts and expenditures including the condition of the corporation finances and the municipal electric light system. The corporation statement is for the fiscal…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

by James Rada, Jr. March 1924, 100 Years Ago County Gains In Battle With Storm Damage Frederick county today gained ground in recovering from the effects of the disastrous storm which swept this section the first of the week. Although this section is still isolated, communication in being slowly established. …The telephone and telegraph services…

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· Columns

once upon a time...

by James Rada, Jr. February 1924, 100 Years Ago Collided With Policeman Miss Clara Landers, of Thurmont, who is spending the winter in Brooklyn with her sister, Mrs. R. J. Royer, met with a serious accident last Wednesday. She was walking rather fast to attend a session of “lip reading” school, when she collided with…

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· Columns

Once Upon A Time…

by James Rada, Jr. January 1924, 100 Years Ago Injured When Auto Hits Phone Pole Miss Mary Nagle, of Thurmont, who suffered a fractured collar bone and a severe cut in her right hip last Monday morning, when the automobile in which she was riding left the road and struck a telephone pole along the…

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· Columns

Once upon a time…

by James Rada, Jr. December 1923, 100 Years Ago Infant Drowns in Creek Near Home The funeral of Charles Hewitt, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hewitt, of Thurmont, who was drowned Saturday afternoon when he fell into a small stream near his home, will be held this afternoon. The child, who was aged…

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· Columns

Once upon a time

by James Rada, Jr. November 1923, 100 Years Ago Thurmont Conference The second of the series of conferences being held by the Frederick County C. E. Union will be held tonight at Thurmont, beginning at 7:30 o’clock. Following will be the program: Hymn, invocation; “Christian Endeavor, the Church’s Tool Chest,” Rev. Wm. R. Glen, Frederick;…

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· Columns

Once upon a time…

by James Rada, Jr. October 1923, 100 Years Ago New Lunch Room Henry Weiss, proprietor of the New Thurmont Hotel, has secured the rooms in the Osler Building at Thurmont, formerly occupied by Wisotzkey Bros., in which, he will open a lunch room. He will still continue in the hotel business at the New Thurmont…

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· Columns

Once Upon a Time…

By James Rada, Jr. September 1923, 100 Years Ago Penna. Youth Killed In County Auto Crash George Shell, the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shell, Williamsport, Pa., was killed in an automobile accident at Franklinville, Md., on the Frederick Road, about three miles south of Emmitsburg, at about 6 o’clock, Tuesday evening. Young…

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· Columns


by James Rada, Jr. August 1923, 100 Years Ago County League Race Grows Exciting The defeat of the hitherto unbeaten Thurmont ball club Intensifies the interest in the Frederick County League race. True, it gives the league leaders hut one defeat while Woodsboro and Mt. Airy, runners-up the pennant race, have each dropped two games.…

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· Columns


by James Rada, Jr. July 1923, 100 Years Ago Wreck Near Thurmont All traffic on the Western Maryland Railroad between Hagerstown and Baltimore was at a standstill Monday afternoon, when 14 loaded freight cars were derailed and half a mile of track torn up a short distance from Thurmont. The cause of the wreck was…

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