Local Best-Selling Author Strikes Gold
Blair Garrett Storytelling is something humans have done since the beginnings of communication. The ability to harness a whirlwind of ideas and narrow it down into a digestible story that pulls a reader’s mind into the author’s imagination is one of those rare-to-find skills. An effective storyteller crafts and creates gripping content that engages readers…
Is It The End or The Beginning of a New Decade? -The Decade Debate--
James Rada, Jr. and Blair Garrett Catoctin Banner Journalists, Jim and Blair, Face-off! Does 2020 mark the beginning of a new decade, or is it actually the end of a decade? What do you think? Let us know at www.thecatoctinbanner.com (Subject line: Decade Debate) Jim’s Stance In the debate over whether the decade is ending…