Looking Back 1889
The Mountain Seaside by James Rada, Jr. It was supposed to be a Maryland seashore on a mountaintop. In 1889, the Buena Vista Ice Company bought 400 acres of land where Fort Ritchie would eventually be built, and set aside 20 acres for a lake. “The business had counterparts on the East Coast below the…
Looking Back
The Year is…1925 The Summer Blue Ridge Summit Burned Blue Ridge Summit was not a heavily populated area in 1925. Only a few hundred people lived there year-round, but that summer the small community suffered three fires that caused a lot of damage to the town. On June 16, the engine house of the Monterey…
When It Became Illegal to Display Empty Cigar Boxes
James Rada, Jr. Northern Frederick County is not known for growing tobacco, but it has had a cigar box manufacturer and a few cigar manufacturers who used cigar boxes to pack their products. On May 1, 1905, the federal government made it illegal to give away, sell, or display empty cigar boxes. The reason for…