Department Spotlight
by Theresa Dardanell Emmitsburg Volunteer Ambulance Company One of the questions I asked the administrative members of the Emmitsburg Ambulance Company was, “Why do you volunteer?” Some of the responses were, “It lets me help other people,” “It gives me a great feeling,” and “Volunteering is in our blood.” There are currently sixty-two members that…
Side-by-Side Burn Live Demonstration and Dedication Ceremony
Theresa Dardanell A large crowd gathered in Emmitsburg on April 8, 2017, to watch as two identical rooms, set up in a special apparatus in the parking lot of the Frederick County Fire & Rescue Museum/National Fire Heritage Center (NFHC), were set on fire. The room with the fire sprinkler protection sustained some damage, but…
Emmitsburg Volunteer Ambulance Company Holds Annual Banquet
Allison Rostad As another year has come and gone, Emmitsburg Volunteer Ambulance Company acknowledged their past year’s accomplishments at their annual banquet and awards ceremony, held January 28, 2017, at 7:30 p.m., in their social hall. Members, family, and special guests enjoyed a catered meal provided by Bollinger’s Restaurant, with background music DJ’d by John…
Bingo Bash
Emmitsburg Volunteer Ambulance Company is hosting a Bingo Bash on September 17, 2016. Twenty-two games pay out $250 each, with three big jackpots, plus a meal!
Emmitsburg Area Home Fire Safety Visits
In light of two recent area fires of significance, a Home Fire Safety Visitation effort, including Smoke Alarm awareness information, began Saturday, December 12, 2015, reaching Emmitsburg area residents. Red Cross volunteers and local fire/rescue first responders were joined by other safety advocates in going door-to-door, promoting the importance of having working smoke alarms in…