Four $1,000 Scholarships Awarded
The Emmitsburg High School Alumni Association (EHSAA) is pleased to announce the winners of its annual EHSAA scholarship program. Four $1,000 scholarships were awarded this year. The scholarship applicants were judged on involvement in school and community activities, as well as their academic work. Honors and work experience were also considered. The first three scholarship…
Seven $1,000 Scholarships Awarded
The Emmitsburg High School Alumni Association (EHSAA) is pleased to announce the winners of their annual EHSAA scholarship program. Seven $1,000 scholarships were awarded this year. The scholarship applicants were judged on involvement in school and community activities, as well as their academic work. Honors and work experience were also considered. Recipients were as follows:…
Five $1,000 Scholarships Awarded
The Emmitsburg High School Alumni Association (EHSAA) is pleased to announce the winners of their annual EHSAA scholarship program. Four $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year. However, this year an additional $1,000 scholarship was awarded, thanks to an anonymous gift from a member of the Class of 1965. It was given in memory of all…