Attention All Graduating Seniors
Flash! Final Date Change! Are you looking for a scholarship? Check the Community Foundation of Frederick County (www.Frederick CountyGives.org) for the scholarships offered by the Thurmont High School Alumni Association. The application’s new final date is April 15, 2024. You must be a graduating high school senior and related to someone that graduated from Thurmont…
Thurmont High School Alumni Association Scholarship
Are you looking for a scholarship? Check the Community Foundation of Frederick County for the scholarships offered by the Thurmont High School Alumni Association. The application is open February 15 through March 15, 2024. You must be a graduating high school senior and related to someone who graduated from Thurmont High School or from Catoctin…
Thurmont High School Alumni Association Offers Scholarships
Attention graduating seniors! Are you related to a graduate from Thurmont High School or Catoctin High School up through the class of 1974? Are you looking for a scholarship? Check the Community Foundation of Frederick County website at www.cffredco.org for the scholarships offered by the Thurmont High School Alumni Association. Applications are being accepted from…
THURMONT Senior Center
by Teresa Kempisty Hello to all my senior friends and volunteers. While the center remains closed at this time, the COVID numbers are moving in the right direction to be able to open in some way sooner than later. It may have to be a partial opening, with some restrictions. It will all depend on…
Thurmont High School Alumni Cancels Banquet
The Thurmont High School Alumni Association has canceled its banquet scheduled for September 19, 2020, and rescheduled it for next year on June 12, 2021, at the Thurmont Event Complex, located at 13716 Strafford Drive (off Lawyers Lane) in Thurmont. In order to give more scholarships in 2021, please make scholarship donations to The Community…
Community Foundation Scholarships Online Application Opens March
The Community Foundation of Frederick County is pleased to announce its scholarship application is available for the 2017-2018 academic year beginning Wednesday, March 1, 2017. By completing one general application, students may qualify for more than 250 scholarships. The completed application with required attachments must be submitted online no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on…