Toys for Tots
The annual Toys for Tots drive, hosted by Cub Scout Pack 270 and Venturing Crew 270, is getting underway. Donation boxes can be found at Mountain Gate Restaurant, ACE Hardware, the American Legion Post 168, and Thurmont Conservation and Sportsman’s Club (other locations will be added). The Drive will end on December 3, and the…
Deadwood 1846
BSA Troops 270B and 270G, along with Webelos and AOL’s from Cub Scout Pack 270, recently attended a Wizard Safari in York, Pennsylvania, on September 29 through October 1. The camporee is held once every four years and is based on Deadwood, South Dakota, 1846. Old-time games, costumes, falconry, black smithing, bee keeping, trains, branding,…