Experience Art In Motion! ESP Entertains The Community
Experience Art In Motion! ESP Performing Company’s annual showcase fundraiser has blossomed into a fun evening out for the entire Thurmont/Emmitsburg community. “It has been wonderful to see the way the community has embraced our dance showcase. They really take pride in seeing the award-winning ESP dancers on stage. You no longer have to travel…
Art in Motion!ESP Showcase Featuring The Thurmont Spirit Show Choir and Special Guest Maggie Kudirka “The Bald Ballerina”
Experience Art in Motion! Join in for the ESP Performing Company Showcase Fundrasier on Saturday, February 25, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Catoctin High School auditorium. This is your opportunity to experience the award-winning ESP Performing Company live onstage in your hometown community. ESP is thrilled this year to share the stage with Thurmont…