Currently viewing the tag: "Annual Memorial Day Observance"

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, the Monocacy Valley Memorial VFW Post 6918, located in Harney (Taneytown), will host its annual Memorial Day Observance at the Community Cemeteries at 3:30 p.m. The program will begin at the Post at 4:30 p.m.

Post Commander Larry Harris said, “Memorial Day is a time to pause, to reflect and recognize the challenges and sacrifices of Veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice while serving their country in the United States Armed Forces.”

Members of the Monocacy Valley Memorial Post 6918 have embraced the Post Memorial wall with names of our fallen comrades. The name on the memorial will be read during the program, followed by the Hanover Young Marines ringing of the bell in honor of each deceased Veteran.

At the conclusion of the program, Post Commander Harris and the VFW President of the Auxiliary will participate in the laying of the wreaths at the post memorial.

Veterans of the Post are pleased to have the Hanover Young Marines participate in the program by raising and lowering the flag at half-mast.

Distinguished members of the Harney VFW Post 6918 Honor Guard will give a 21-gun salute to honor all of our Veterans and the playing of “Taps” by young Grace Green in honor of our deceased Veterans.

The public and all Veterans and their families are invited to attend the program and to participate in this special occasion.

Following the Memorial Day Observances, the Harney VFW Auxiliary, the Harney Lions Club, and the Harney Fire Department will host their annual Good Old Days celebration in the pavilion at 5:30 p.m.

For further information, contact Frank M. Rauschenberg at 240-367-6110 or call the post at 410-756-6866.