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The Thurmont Lions Club inducted four new members.

In October 2023, Lion Sean Young was inducted by FVDG Susan Cox. His sponsor is Lion Doug Favorite. Lion Sean has been a Scout Master for Troop 270 for 10 years. He grew up in Thurmont and is a carpenter.

During the November 2023 membership meeting, Alex and Nancy Dankanich were inducted into the Thurmont Lions Club.

Lion Nancy was inducted by IPDG Nadja Muchow. Her sponsor is Lion Joyce Anthony. Lion Nancy lives in JerMae Estates in Thurmont with her husband, Alex. She is a retired registered nurse and college professor. She enjoys helping to raise her grandchildren and volunteering at the Thurmont Primary School.

Lion Alex was inducted by IPDG Nadja Muchow. His sponsor is Lion Joyce Anthony. Lion Alex lives in JerMae Estates in Thurmont with his wife, Nancy. He is a retired civil engineer.

The Thurmont Lions Club welcomed another new member during its annual Christmas Party on December 13, 2023. IPDG Nadja Muchow inducted Heather Seidl. Her sponsor is Lion Nancy Echard. Lion Heather moved from Pasadena to Thurmont three years ago and lives outside of Thurmont. She has two small children, and the family has animals. Heather is an occupational therapist. She is ready to serve the community and help wherever needed.

Congratulations to the four new members and welcome into the Thurmont Lions Club family!