Thank You
The sponsoring organizations, consisting of the Thurmont Grange, Catoctin FFA, and Catoctin FFA Alumni, would like to thank those individuals who helped with the 61st Annual Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show. We sincerely thank the community businesses and individuals for advertising and sponsoring our show booklet, as we had excellent attendance and great community support during the entire event.
During the opening ceremonies, approximately thirty-five community organizations participated in the opening flag ceremony on Friday evening, led in a bagpipe processional by Bill and Andrew Douwes. Addison Eyler, Rocky Ridge 4H Club and Thurmont Grange member, sang the “Star Spangled Banner” and “God Bless America” during the program. Along with many county and local officials, we were honored to have Superintendent of Frederick County Public Schools Dr. Theresa Alban give remarks. Stacey Brown Hobbs, president of St. John’s Christian Preschool of Thurmont, announced the 2017-2018 Catoctin FFA Ambassador, Stephanie Moreland. We honored the 50th anniversaries of WTHU Radio Station of Thurmont and the St. John’s Christian Preschool of Thurmont. Special thanks extended to the many exhibitors who entered items at the show, and to the over 150 new exhibitors this year, which is a reflection of how our show has grown over the years.
We had approximately 280 baked products entered and sold at our baked products sale. The grand champion cake (a chiffon cake), made by Dawn Hobbs of Rocky Ridge, was purchased by Mountaingate Restaurant for $1,050. Monies received from the silver offering, and the Junior and Youth Department Champion Cakes, totaling $1,100, was donated equally to the Thurmont Food Bank and the Emmitsburg Food Bank.
Bob Valentine, livestock chairman of the Community Show, was pleased with the results of John Nichols of Pennsylvania, who judged the Beef, Sheep, Swine & Goat Show. The livestock sale on Saturday evening was well attended and the sale averages were: beef ($2.32 lb.); sheep ($3.50 lb.); swine ($2.54 lb.); and goats ($262.00/head).
The dairy and goat show was also held on Sunday and was judged by Katie Albaugh of Walkersville. Our show is viewed as a learning experience for many 4-H and FFA youth, who later exhibit at the Frederick Fair, Maryland State Fair, and other shows and sales.
Many individuals helped with the pony rides, petting zoo, alpaca display (by Lynn Cherish of Baggy Britches Farm), litter of pigs (by Chip and Logan Long), horseshoe pitching, log sawing, and martial arts programs; the Thurmont Grange Turkey & Ham Dinner; the Catoctin FFA Alumni Bar-B-Que; and the Beef, Sheep and Swine Show and sale.
We would also like to thank all of the department superintendents and the many volunteers who helped to take entries, hauled tables, and helped in any way to make our show excellent, and also to the many commercial exhibitors, including the Thurmont History display by John Kinnaird and the Thurmont Library for sponsoring its annual book sale, as well as to the many other commercial and animal displays that make our event community oriented.
We would also like to thank the Taylor Brown – Elvis Tribute Artist and “Catoctin the Band” for their performances to a large crowds on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.
Many families who attended the show were able to enjoy participation in the pony rides, the kiddie pedal pull, the cross cut sawing, the pet show, the decorated animal contest, and the horseshoe pitching contest.
Special thanks to Bollinger’s Restaurant for sponsoring a free meal ticket to all department champions and our food stand vendors; the Catoctin High School Junior Class and Thurmont Lions Club were busy all weekend with sales. We would also like to thank all of the individuals, businesses, and families for sponsoring show awards, for purchasing baked goods at our cake sale, and for supporting our livestock show and sale.
In addition, we would also like to thank CHS Principal Bernie Quesada and the entire faculty, cafeteria, and custodial staff for their professionalism, cooperation, and understanding during the show.
The Community Show is an agricultural educational event and is a total community effort. Many community citizens volunteer many hours to make the show one that our area can be very proud of, and visitors comment on the large amount and quality of entries. These efforts are appreciated by the show sponsors: Thurmont Grange; Catoctin FFA Chapter, Catoctin FFA Alumni, The Maryland State Grange, and the Maryland Agricultural Fair Board.
The 2018 Community Show dates are September 7-9, 2018, at Catoctin High School in Thurmont.
— President C. Rodman Myers, Vice President Robert N. Valentine, Secretary Jennifer Martin, Catoctin FFA
Chapter Advisor Amy Poffenberger