Shamrock’s Little Christmas
Deb Spalding
On Tuesday, January 6, 2014, the public was invited to enjoy the Irish tradition of Women’s Little Christmas at Shamrock Restaurant in Thurmont.
Outside the dining room windows that day at Shamrock, diners observed beautiful soft snow falling, as they settled in the fire-warmed dining room listening contently as singers, Nita Corn and her daughter Eileen, sang Irish and holiday tunes. For the folks who ventured out, it was an enjoyable afternoon.
Shamrock’s Donna Demmon welcomed visitors by visiting each table. She explained that after the ladies in Ireland have worked to create a festive holiday for their families, they are rewarded with a girl’s outing to celebrate.
“Ladies would go to the pub and sit and have a Guinness. The publican (man or woman who owns the pub) would serve them free corned beef sandwiches on Women’s Little Christmas. We’re serving to everyone who comes in today, ladies and gentleman, a complimentary Reuben Sandwich,” said Demmon.
Donna enjoyed visiting the folks at each table and making sure they understood the tradition that was being celebrated. She presented each table with free corned beef pinwheels.
Before the snow, Donna said that the reservations for the event were more than she had hoped, but with the weather conditions, many did not venture out. She plans to host the event annually and continue to share the tradition.
Shamrock Restaurant’s Donna Demmon is shown serving Jackie Campbell, Carol Robertson, and Kathy Cogan corned beef pinwheels during Little Women’s Christmas.