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Scouts Work Together to Place Flags on Graves of Veterans

Boy Scout Troop 270; Venturing Crew 270; Cub Scout Pack 270; Girl Scout Troops 81759, 81178, 81200; and Boy Scout Troop 1011 worked together to place flags on graves of Veterans in preparation for Memorial Day. 

They also participated in the wreath-laying ceremony on Memorial Day, hosted by The American Legion Post 168 at Memorial Park in Thurmont. The Scouts took turns laying wreaths in memory of our fallen military members in past wars.

On June 14, 2019, the Scouts also participated in a Flag Day flag retirement ceremony at Memorial Park with The American Legion Post 168 and the Town of Thurmont. The Scouts folded flags for retirement and, along with attending members at the ceremony, retired the flags in the proper manner befitting the American flag.