Words For Thirds
The National Grange, founded in 1867, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan fraternal organization that advocates for rural America and agriculture. With strong history in grassroots activism, family values, and community service, the Grange is part of more than 2,100 hometowns across the United States. The Thurmont Grange serves our Catoctin region. One of the programs administered annually by the Grange is Words for Thirds, where every third grade student in the local area is given a dictionary to keep.
Emmitsburg Elementary School

Pictured from left are: (front row) Dillan Ecker, Austin Morris, Fallon Wolfe, Darrin Frey; (second row) Alayna Kelly, Lauren Kelly, Alyssa Costa, Katie Topper; (back row) Mike Brown, Emmitsburg Elementary School third grade teacher; and Thurmont Grange members, Bob Whiles and Cliff Stewart.
Thurmont Elementary School

Pictured from left are Carol and Bob Long, Thurmont Grange; Susan Crone and Kate Gray, TES third grade teachers; Christina McKeever, TES Principal; Sandy and Jim Moser, Thurmont Grange; (front row) third grade students: Gabe Fussa, Brady Wehage, Maura Eyler, Jackson Savage, and Erin Miller.
Sabillasville Elementary School

Pictured from left are: (first row) third grade students Kylie Putman, Mason Newcomer, and Hannah Wolfe; (back row) Kate Krietz, SES Principal; Rodman Myers, Jim Royer; and Robert McAfee of the Thurmont Grange; Marnie Mortenson, third grade teacher; and Jane Savage, Thurmont Grange and SES administrative specialist.
Show Your Cougar Spirit
The Catoctin High School Sports Boosters will be selling Cougar clothing (sweatpants, sweatshirts, and T-shirts), blankets, stadium seats, hats, and other miscellaneous Cougar items at the following home sporting events: Tuesday, December 8—Girls Basketball, 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Friday, December 11—Girls Basketball, 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Monday, December 14—Boys Basketball, 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Wednesday, December 16—Wrestling, 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Friday, December 18—Boys Basketball, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Items will be available on the above dates in the hallway between the gymnasiums. Payment may be made by cash, check, or credit card. Do some shopping for Christmas!
Catoctin High School Class of 2016 Safe and Sane Events
Tickets are on sale for the Dance and Silent Auction at the Thurmont American Legion on December 12, 2015, for $15.00 per person and $25.00 per couple. Doors open at 8:00 p.m. They are in need of items for the silent auction. To donate an item/basket or to purchase/sell tickets, please contact Barb Sellers at B1sellers@msn.com or Tracy Barbour at scruffy1kp@msn.com.
At the dance, they will be drawing the winning ticket for the iPad Air II. Tickets are still available for $5.00 each. Contact Dawn Shugars at 240-357-8121 to purchase or sell.
Wing Night/Football Bash is gearing up as well, featuring all-you-can-eat wings! The date is set for January 15, 2016. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Superbowl squares! Tickets on sale for $25.00. Please contact Dawn Shugars at 240-357-8121 to purchase or sell tickets.
Camper raffle is on-going. Tickets are $10.00. Please contact Tracy Barbour at scruffy1kp@msn.com.
All events benefit Catoctin High School’s Class of 2016 Safe and Sane event following graduation.
Scholarships Available
The Frederick Business & Professional Women’s Club is now accepting scholarship applications. Scholarships will be awarded to women currently enrolled in and attending a college-level course study. Requirements include that women must be a resident of Frederick County, Maryland, and must show financial need. Graduating high school seniors and those who have already earned at least a bachelor’s degree are not eligible for this scholarship.
Applications and other documents must be postmarked by January 31, 2016. For applications and information email mpoole199@aol.com.
Mother Seton School Students Recognized for Citizenship
The Christian Character Trait program is once again active at Mother Seton School. Each month, teachers nominate those students they feel best demonstrate the featured trait for that month. For September, the following students were recognized for exemplifying the Christian Character Trait of Citizenship: Quinn Alley (Grade 8); Matthias Buchheister (Grade 7); Mia Ferraro and Raphaela Smaldone (Grade 6); Joseph Torborg (Grade 5); Luke Iferd and Timothy McCarthy (Grade 4); Brady Koenig (Grade 3); Camila Canadas-Fraga and Anthony Rosato (Grade 2); William Adams and Jacob Marron (Grade 1); Grady Abruzzese and Francis Rosato (Kindergarten); Greyson Jurchak and Anna Long (Pre-K).
Pictured from left are: (front row) Brady Koenig (Grade 3), Anthony Rosato (Grade 2), Camila Canadas-Fraga (Grade 2), Jacob Marron (Grade 1), William Adams (Grade 1), Francis Rosato (Kindergarten), Grady Abruzzese (Kindergarten), Anna Long (Pre-K); (back row) Quinn Alley (Grade 8), Matthias Buchheister (Grade 7), Mia Ferraro (Grade 6), Emma Wivell (Grade 6), Joseph Torborg (Grade 5), Luke Iferd (Grade 4), Timothy McCarthy (Grade 4). Not pictured: Greyson Jurchak (Pre-K).
Sabillasville Elementary School Holds 1st Annual 5K/1-Mile Fun Run
Sabillasville Elementary School (SES) hosted it’s 1st Annual Sabillasville Scenic 5K/1-Mile Fun Run on November 15, 2015. The event was organized by the SES-Parent Group. The proceeds will provide cultural arts programs and field trips for the students of SES. Event coordinators had both families and single runners sign up to fully enjoy the scenic route, cheered on by students and spectators. They look forward to hosting it again next year!
Participants begin their run/walk with enthusiasm out front of Sabillasville Elementary School during the 1st Annual Sabillasville Scenic 5K/1-Mile Fun Run on November 15, 2015.