Rocky Ridge 4-H Club Keeps Busy
Katie, Club Reporter

Members of the Rocky Ridge 4-H Club clean the flower beds, plant flowers, and mulch at the Thurmont Historical Society.
The Rocky Ridge 4-H Club has been busy. In May, many of our members participated in shows and events in the local area, including Wills Fair, Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival, and Jefferson County Spring Classic. Our members always enjoy these events and represent our club well!
Our Community Service project for May was cleaning the flower beds, planting flowers, and mulching at the Thurmont Senior Center and the Thurmont Historical Society. We split our group into two teams and quickly tackled the project. The results will be enjoyed throughout the summer, as the flowers grow and bloom. After finishing the job, we enjoyed pizza at the Thurmont Grange Hall and held our monthly meeting.
Swine, Sheep and Goat weigh-ins for the Great Frederick Fair are right around the corner. We’re all working hard on our projects. Our club will enjoy its annual Club Field Day on Sunday, June 30. At Field Day, members will bring projects that we’ve been working on, to include: cooking, sewing, crafts, photography, and all animal projects. The entries will be judged just like at the Fair and prizes will be awarded. We will enjoy lunch together and play lots of games. It’s a fun day that members look forward to.