James Rada, Jr.

A new face was added to the Emmitsburg Board of Commissioners on Monday, October 6, 2014, when Joseph Ritz, III, was sworn in.
The Emmitsburg Town election was held on Tuesday, September 30, 2014, and residents were voting for a commissioner and mayor. Ritz ran against former town commissioner Patrick Joy and won 118-44.
Mayor Donald Briggs ran unopposed for his seat. Briggs was joined by family, as Frederick County Circuit Court Clerk Sandra Dalton swore him into office.
Board President Tim O’Donnell told Ritz that he had “a great responsibility, but you are the right person to bear that responsibility.”
After Mayor Briggs swore Ritz into his office, he took the seat of Commissioner Chris Staiger, who chose not to run for re-election.
Staiger’s parting words were short and to the point, “It’s a wrap. Thank you.”
O’Donnell thanked him for his service to the town at a job that could be “wonderful, tiring, brutal, great, fun.” He also commended Staiger for his ability “to solve problems with common sense.”
Ritz thanked the residents who voted for him and for turning out for the election. Voter turnout for the election was roughly ten percent of the town’s 1,726 registered voters.
Briggs talked about the economic investment of more than thirty-two million dollars that he sees coming to the community, and outlined the various projects that were going to start or be completed in the near future. He painted a bright future for the town.
“It all starts with dreams,” he said. “Let’s live them.”
Under the new Board of Commissioners, O’Donnell will serve as president. Cliff Sweeney will serve as vice president and planning and zoning liaison. Glenn Blanchard will serve as treasurer. Jennifer Mellor will serve as the parks and recreation liaison. Ritz will serve on the Citizens Advisory Committee.
Ritz’s father already serves on the committee, but he said that he will step down to avoid any potential conflict of interest.
Briggs said that he had another committee in mind that Joseph Ritz, Jr., could serve on as a member.