Ritchie’s Revival
Deb Abraham Spalding

Pictured from left are Selena Cisar, Joyce Johnson, John Krumpotich, George Coyle Jr., and Brad Coyle.
Photo by Deb Abraham Spalding
Since the 1998 closing of the Fort Ritchie military base in Cascade, the property has endured years of unsuccessful progress, as various developers and business entities failed. After a 16-month wait through multiple delays, the property, located in the corner of Washington County, bordering Frederick County, and near Franklin County, Pennsylvania, was officially purchased by the local Krumpotich family on April 8, 2021.
For the last year, the Krumpotich family, backed by interested local citizens, has taken care of the property by doing lawn work, picking up trash, and monitoring the property. A “Ritchie Revival” Facebook page was created and has helped keep locals informed and involved.
Now, after the purchase, the Krumpotiches want to keep local residents involved.
“Many people have reached out. They want to help. We are completely overwhelmed with the community’s support. It’s been remarkable. We are just so thankful to everybody up here,” John Krumpotich said.
The next several years will reveal the development and implementation of a master plan that begins immediately with the renovation of housing.
Next, the row of barracks on Barrick Avenue will see a renovation into a mix of artisan shops, local businesses, and guest houses. One of the larger stone buildings, also on Barrick Avenue, will be the “Fort Ritchie History Museum,” recognizing the significance of the Fort.
For years, community members and those that served on the base have waited and hoped for the revitalization of Fort Ritchie. Many are proud of its history and heredity. Those who wish to contribute to the historical database may contact Landon Grove via email at RitchieMuseum@yahoo.com. He is curating information and artifacts for the museum.
Former and future events are already in the planning stages.
A Community Clean-up Day is planned for May 16, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The focus will be weeding, mulching, and planting flowers around the community center and the main loop, where people enjoy walking and running. Interested volunteers can meet at the community center—any and all help is appreciated!
Lakeside Hall, the former Officer’s Club, is hosting an Open House on May 23, 2021, and resuming event rentals. More information can be found at www.EventsatLakesideHall.com.
Also in the works coming up is a Food Truck Day on Saturday, May 29, fireworks on the Mountain in late June, and a Fall Festival and Christmas Village. Coordinator Joyce Johnson said, “We’re so excited to get started! We’ve been waiting for so long.”
For more information, please visit Ritchie Revival’s FaceBook page or email RitchieRevival@gmail.com.