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Police Officer Of The Year

Officer First Class Nicole Fair was honored as Thurmont Lions Club “Police Officer of the Year” at the town meeting held on April 20, 2021. OFC Fair joined the Thurmont Police Department in July 2016. She is  a graduate of the Western Maryland Police Academy. She is currently serving as a Patrol Officer and has accepted extra assignments.

OFC Fair took an interest in Juvenile Delinquency and assisted the agency with the adoption of the Juvenile Diversion Program and serves as the agency’s liaison with the State Attorney’s Office and Juvenile Services. She is also the agency’s Gang Coordinator. Among many other duties, she tracks gang activity locally and monitors regional gang intelligence networks. OFC Nicole Fair was presented a Certificate of Appreciation, a gift certificate to a restaurant, and $400 to be donated to a charity of her choice.

Pictured from left are Lion Jonathan Hamrick and OFC Nicole Fair.

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