Past Lion Member Presented the Melvin Jones Award
On Saturday January 13, 2018, the Emmitsburg Lions (District 22-W Region III, Zone I) celebrated their 35th Charter anniversary. At the celebration, past member Lion Eugene Rosensteel was presented the Melvin Jones Award.
This is the highest award a Lion can receive. It was awarded to Lion Rosensteel for his dedication to Lionism and the Emmitsburg community during his twenty years as a member. He was instrumental in starting the Community Day Celebration, many community projects, and their annual health fare. He had served as their 1st president, as well as secretary and treasurer. He sponsored several new members into the club. The award was presented by District Governor Lion Susan Bonura. The Lions’ motto “WE SERVE” was and is the inspiration that past member Lion Rosensteel lived up to as a Lion and as a citizen of Emmitsburg.
Lion Eugene Rosensteel is presented the Melvin Jones Award by District Governor Lion Susan Bonura (far right), with charter members (from left) Lion Mark Zurgable, Lion Jim Hahn, Lion John Sanders, LCIF Director Lion Dale Shields, and looking on is Lion President Bill Wivell.