once upon a time...
March 1925, 100 Years Ago
Buy Thurmont Hotel
The new Thurmont Hotel, of which Mrs. Evelyn Weiss was proprietor, has been sold to Leon B. Ramsdell and Robert H. Duff, both of whom are connected with the Opera House and Empire theatres. Possession will be given on Saturday at noon. The consideration is private.
The hotel contains 21 rooms and improved with all modern conveniences. Beginning on Saturday, Mr. Ramsdell will become manager of the hotel. Mr. Ramsdell will not be actively associated with the business, but will remain here as manager of the Opera House and Empire.
– Frederick News, March 19, 1925
Thurmont Busy With Plans For New Season
The baseball bee has been buzzing around Thurmont during the recent warm weather, with the result that predictions for another flag for the north county town are being made from every angle. “It is Thurmont’s turn to take the flag this year.” Has been heard from several fans in that section and preparations are being made to put a real pennant contender on the field.
– Frederick News, March 31, 1925
March 1950, 75 Years Ago
Streams Are Stocked With 25,000 Trout
Nine thousand trout between seven and 15 inches in length will be ready for Frederick County anglers when the season opens in Maryland on April 15, Regional Game Warden Benjamin F. Phebus announced this week.
The stocking program started several weeks ago when 1,500 legal-size brooks, browns and rainbows were released in Big Hunting Creek, near Thurmont. An additional 1,500 were turned loose in that stream yesterday. Four thousand trout will be freed in Fishing Creek between now and the opening of the season, with the first 2,000 going into the stream today, Phebus said.
In addition to Big Hunting and Fishing Creeks, trout are being released in Middle, Little Hunting and Friends Creek. For the opening, Middle Creek will be stocked with 1,500; Little Hunting with 1,000 below Route 15, and 1,000 in Friends Creek will follow.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, March 24, 1950
Installation Of Lights Proceeds
The street lighting installation that will make Emmitsburg one of the best lighted towns of its size in the country is now underway, after utility company crews were temporarily held up pending establishment of a curb line by the State Roads Commission.
“Emmitsburg’s new street lights will have a total power of 225,000 lumens in comparison to 81,000 lumens previously employed.”
S. E. Breth, Potomac Edison’s district manager, announced this week. “The new luminaries on Main St. will be mounted on steel poles 25 feet high. Twenty poles will be erected with four of them going up on the Square,” Mr. Breth said.
Lights on the Square will utilize 6,000 lumen lamps, while the remainder on Main St. will use 4,000 lumen lamps.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, March 31, 1950
March 1975, 50 Years Ago
Town Acts To Improve Water Supply
Inquiries from prospective land developers—and the indication that Emmitsburg will need more water in the future—led town commissioners Monday evening to ask for a proposal from its consulting engineers for developing alternative sources of water.
The question of Emmitsburg’s water supplies was raised at the council meeting when William Garde, owner of a tract of land on Irish Town Road, approached the commissioners about the availability of water and sewage facilities.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, March 6, 1975
Emmitsburg Joins Opposition To County Police Force Idea
It is very doubtful that there will be a county police force in Frederick County in the near future. The idea of such an agency met strong opposition from law enforcement officials and mayors of municipalities that have police forces. The officials met Monday night in Winchester Hall to discuss Phase III of the Frederick County Police Services study.
Davon Management Company, Columbus, Ohio, who has been conducting the study, recommended that police services be centralized at the county level. The company also said that as a long-term objective a county police agency should be developed to provide patrol, deterrence, investigations, communications and technical services throughout the county, including the municipalities of Frederick, Brunswick, Thurmont, and Emmitsburg.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, March 27, 1975
March 2000, 25 Years Ago
Up-County Makes “Wish List”
The Up-County Family Center, located at 303 W. Lincoln Avenue, Emmitsburg, has helped many families in its thirteen years in the area. It is a non-profit organization which works with families with children under four years of age.
The intent of Up-County Family Center is to provide and promote, through mutual respect, opportunities that strengthen and build healthy and positive family functioning for all. Up-County serves approximately 70 families in the Emmitsburg-Thurmont area and it is not income based. Because Up-County depends on government funds to run the Center, it welcomes any donations to help make parents to be more supportive of their families.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, March 2000
Dispatch Dinner-Dance Benefit Set
It’s not too late!! There’s still time to see and be seen—and help support this newspaper—at the Dispatch’s benefit dinner dance!! You will have fun, enjoy the company of friends, please your taste buds with a superlative meal, practice your tango, twist or turkey trot!! Experience a live auction for four valuable items; participate in a silent auction for many, many more!!
Not only will this be an occasion to socialize with your friends and neighbors, and meet lots of other nice people; it also is your opportunity to show you care about The Dispatch — a significant portion of the cost of each person’s ticket, $65, will go toward a sorely needed upgrade of the paper’s computer system, and production and operational expenses. Come and enjoy adoration — from the volunteers and others who have been struggling to put your area newspaper together on old, outdated computers and cranky software systems.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, March 2000