once upon a time...
February 1925, 100 Years Ago
Warrant 2 Years Old Causes Arrest
After a search extending for nearly two years, James Spear, about 30, formerly a Frederick lunchroom proprietor, was arrested on Saturday by County Constable Charles W. Smith on a warrant charging him with assault with intent to kill.
The charge against Spear is the outgrowth of an occurrence in April, 1923. Spear is accused of stopping Harry Eyler, a Thurmont butcher, and holding him up on the road between Lewistown and Catoctin Furnace at the point of a gun while Spear’s companion is alleged to have searched Eyler’s car for liquor, it was declared.
– Frederick News, February 2, 1925
Auto Titles Bring Arrest Robert Black
After a search covering more than three months, conducted by the special inspectors of the State Motor Vehicle Commission, Robert Black, former owner and manager of the Thurmont Motor Company, at Thurmont, was arrested on Friday afternoon by Constable Charles W. Smith and Inspector H. F. Dwyer, on the Thurmont pike, north of Frederick.
…Black is charged with having in his possession or having sold at least 12 automobiles with defaced engine numbers. Officers of the state police have been busy since last October running down clues. At least 12 machines were traced back to Black’s garage by the inspectors, it was said.
– Frederick News, February 14, 1925
February 1950, 75 Years Ago
Water Company Is Erecting New Building
Work on the construction of a new building which will house the offices of the Emmitsburg Water Co., reached the half-way mark this week. The building is to be of concrete block construction and will be a one-story affair. President Samuel C. Hays, of the company, announced that, weather permitting, the work should be completed in about two months. The company’s new construction is located on E. Main St., between C. A. Harner and Josephine Steinberger properties.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, February 3, 1950
Newcomer’s Bakery Opens New Shop
When Newcomer’s Bakery, on W. Main St., Emmitsburg, moved into its newly refinished establishment last week, it marked 20 years of continuous service to the residents of town. Mr. Charles F. Newcomer is called by his host of customers and friends, “Mae.” Just where this “nickname” originated, there are many stories. In the baking business for nearly a quarter of a century, he is ably assisted by his attractive wife, Dorothy. They have one son, Gene. Mrs. Newcomer, the former Miss Shorb, is from Rocky Ridge.
Mr. Newcomer was born in Taneytown in 1907, coming to Emmitsburg in 1930, to serve the people for want of fine baked goods.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, February 5, 1950
February 1975, 50 Years Ago
Note Burning At Incarnation Church
The $4,000 Mortgage Note, which was received January of 1969 to complete the construction of the Fellowship Hall of Incarnation United Church of Christ, was burned at the Annual Congregational Meeting of the church on Sunday evening about 9 o’clock.
In the picture is Mr. Eric E. Glass, who burned the note shortly after a check for $1,000 (completing the payment of the loan) was presented by him to Mrs. Anna Margaret Martin from whom the $4,000 loan was borrowed. Rev. John C. Chatlos, pastor of the congregation, is also in the picture.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, February 6, 1975
Emmitsburg School Chosen For School Architecture Exhibition
Emmitsburg School was chosen for the Exhibition of School Architecture sponsored by the American Institute of Architects and the American Association of School Administrators, it was announced recently.
The exhibition was held this year in Dallas, Texas from February 21 thru 24. The National Association of School Boards Convention which will be held in April in Miami, will also feature the exhibit. Approximately 140 of the most outstanding schools from all over the country are chosen each year. Bushey and Berrey of Hagerstown, architects for the school, have had a school selected for this exhibition each year since the firm was established.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, February 27, 1975
February 2000, 25 Years Ago
Commissioners OK $4,000 for Skateboard Park Ramps
At the Town Meeting held on Jan. 10, Mr. Hobbs, the liaison for the parents of the skateboarders, asked the town for an extra $2,000 for construction of the ramps for the skateboard park. The Town has already agreed to donate $2,000, but Mr. Hobbs reported that not many ramps could be built for that amount of money. The commissioners voted 4 – 0 to spend $4,000 for the ramps.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, February 2000
Mount Named “Character Building” College
Mount St. Mary’s College is one of only 60 institutions to be named a character building college by the prestigious John Templeton Foundation, an organization that recognizes colleges and universities for innovation and leadership in promoting character development among their students.
The Mount’s freshman seminar was recognized as an exemplary program in the foundation’s newly released guidebook, Colleges that Encourage Character Development.
Dr. David Rehm, director of freshman seminar and professor in the philosophy department, said, “Freshman seminar is the foundation of the entire education a student receives at the Mount. Our program is special and very unique from other institutions.” – TheEmmitsburg Regional Dispatch, February 2000