once upon a time...

James Rada, Jr.

Note: Newspaper excerpts are as they appeared in their respective issues.

January 1925, 100 Years Ago

Emmitsburg Community Show Held on Thursday

The annual Emmitsburg Community Show will be held all day Thursday and at night in the Emmitsburg High School and will be featured by large displays of grain, potatoes and other farm produce, as well as canned goods and jellies. Judging of the men’s exhibits will be by Prof. F. W. Oldenburg, crop specialist of the Extension Service of the University of Maryland, and canned goods and jellies by Miss Helen Pearson, home demonstration agent for Frederick County.

                                    – Frederick News, January 14, 1925

Ask Pardon for Rouzer

Application for a pardon has been made to Governor Ritchie in the case of John M. Rouzer, of Thurmont, who on October 27 was sentenced in the local court to three months in jail and fined $100 and costs after being found guilty of selling liquor.

Rouser, it is understood, had been employed at the Thurmont postoffice and bore a previously good reputation. In passing sentence at the time, Judge Urner said, it was unusual for a young man In Rouser’s circumstances to take such chances and that he felt certain the jail sentence would be a sufficient lesson.

                                    – Frederick News, January 19, 1925

January 1950, 75 Years Ago

Thurmont Legion Starts Blood Bank

Starting their 1950 community service program, Edwin C. Creeger Jr. Post No. 168, American Legion, will open a blood bank early in January and present a memorial stand of flags to the new Thurmont High School, sometime in February, Commander Charles Downs announced yesterday.

Thurmont Legionnaires will be circularized with return post-cards enclosed, starting New Year’s Day. Name, address, phone number and type of blood, date of last blood donation, will be maintained in the post’s files, subject to call upon Commander Downs or Adjutant J. E. Prendergast, from sick or injured persons of the Thurmont District.

                                    – Emmitsburg Chronicle, January 6, 1950

Improvements to Local School Being Studied

The Frederick County Board of Education is making plans to hold its monthly meeting on January 18, when it is expected that specifications for the proposed new high school at Middletown will have progressed sufficiently for consideration. The plans and specifications have been in the process of preparation by architects for some time. It is possible that the board, at the coming meeting, will definitely decide on the plans and bids may be asked in the near future.

Superintendent of Schools Eugene W. Pruitt notified members of the proposed meeting this week after conferring with Geo. C. Rhoderick, Jr., the school board president.

Mr. Pruitt, in answer to a question, reported the Board of Education has not definitely said as yet that any one school building project shall be first in line after Middletown.

The question was asked because of reports that an Emmitsburg group had approached members of the Board of County Commissioners concerning the possibility of an addition to the Emmitsburg High School..

                                    – Emmitsburg Chronicle, January 15, 1950

January 1975, 50 Years Ago

Group Plans for Bicentennial Here

Six Mount Saint Mary’s College professors and 17 town leaders of Emmitsburg have been selected to serve on the Steering Committee for a project entitled “Little America: A Small Town Reflects On The Bicentennial.” The project, which is a first, has been awarded by the Maryland Committee for the Humanities and Public Policy. According to Dr. Emile A. Nakhleh, a political science professor at the College and director of the college-community project, it will provide an opportunity for the people of Emmitsburg to work together towards a greater understanding of the past two hundred years of constitutional government and the role of the people in maintaining this form of government.

The actual program, which will be open to all out-of-school adults in the community, will consist of a series of twelve weekly discussions to be held during 1975 in the VFW Annex. The topics will be selected by the committee. Exhibits, drama, and film will be incorporated.

                                    – Emmitsburg Chronicle, January 9, 1975

FFA To Renovate Ball Park Areas

The monthly meeting of the Catoctin FFA Alumni was held January 9, with 18 members present. President Lee Hassler presided at the meeting.

Orchard Chairman, Lee Black, Frederick County Agricultural Supervisor Edward Reiley, Dave Simpson, and Rodman Myer, met to plan renovation of areas surrounding the athletic fields. They have set the date of Saturday, January 18 at 9 a.m., for clearing the areas. All FFA members and Alumni are encouraged to attend and help with this project. Chain saws, axes and tree trimming equipment are needed.

                                    – Emmitsburg Chronicle, January 16, 1975

January 2000, 25 Years Ago

Lack of Participation Threatens Town’s Little League

 For many years, Emmitsburg Little League has been the premier non-school activity for Emmitsburg kids of all ages. It’s a great way of bringing families together and building community spirit. Unfortunately, over the past few years, Emmitsburg Little League has seen a decline in participation from both children and parents and its continued existence is being threatened.

A small handful of volunteers keep the league running, but we are in need of more volunteers for league officers and coaches if Emmitsburg Little League is to survive.

                                    – The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, January 2000

Phelan Gives “Half-time” Talk to Local Group

Jim Phelan, head coach of the Mount St. Mary’s basketball team, spoke to the Emmitsburg Business and Professional Association [EBPA] and guests on Tuesday, Dec. 21.

Drawing parallels between his coaching experiences and being in business, Coach  Phelan gave a relaxed, enjoyable “half-time” talk about “peaks and valleys” of competition that are part of the landscape of participating in the dynamic process of growth and change.

                                    – The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, January 2000

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