Once upon a time…
by James Rada, Jr.
December 1923, 100 Years Ago
Infant Drowns in Creek Near Home
The funeral of Charles Hewitt, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hewitt, of Thurmont, who was drowned Saturday afternoon when he fell into a small stream near his home, will be held this afternoon.
The child, who was aged one year, four months and 22 days, while playing about on Saturday afternoon, wandered away and it is supposed that he he fell into a small stream near his home. The child was found by his mother.
– Frederick Daily News, December 24, 1923
Dr. Kefauver Leaves Thurmont
After having served many of the citizens of Thurmont and the surrounding community for 32 years Dr. E. C. Kefauver has given up the practice of medicine there to take up his new duties as county health officer of Frederick county. The doctor and his family will leave on January 1, and take up their residence in Frederick. Dr. Kefauver’s successor is Dr. Levin M. Irving, of Chicago, who will occupy the office in the Masonic Building, Thurmont.
– Frederick Daily News, December 22, 1923
December 1948, 75 Years Ago
Local Girl Takes Sisterhood Vows
At a ceremony Saturday morning at 9 o’clock in the Chapel of the Monastery of the Visitation, Frederick, in the presence of a number of relatives and friends, Sister Mary Angela Saffer, formerly known as Margaret Mary Saffer, pronounced her perpetual vows which made her a permanent member of the Order of the Visitation.
Sister Angela is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Saffer, of Emmitsburg. Rev. James M. Hogan, pastor of St. John’s Church, performed the ceremony as delegate for His Excellency, Most Rev. Lawrence J. Shehan D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore. Present also for the occasion were Rev. Roger K. Wooden, of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Thurmont, and Rev. Charles Stouter, C.M., Emmitsburg. Rev. Fr. Hogan preached the sermon preceding the ceremony.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, December 10, 1948
Thurmont Baby Show Proves Interesting Affair
Twenty four children of preschool age were entered in the Healthy Baby Show held in the Firemen’s Room of the Town Hall at Thurmont last Wednesday at 1:30 o’clock. Ten babies ranging in age from two months to one year, and fourteen from one year six years, were in the group. Under the direction of the County Health Nurse, Mrs. Susan Ward, and sponsored by the Thurmont Grange and the Guardian Hose Company, the show was held to promote more interest in the health clinic which the Grange is sponsoring.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, December 20, 1948
December 1973, 50 Years Ago
Kiddies’ Treat To Be Held Saturday at 2
This Saturday, December 22, at 2 p.m., Santa Claus will visit Emmitsburg in front of the VFW Home and bring candy and oranges to all local children. Parents are urged to have their children attend. The party is sponsored this year by the Francis X. Elder Post 121 American Legion, and VFW Post 6658 of Emmitsburg.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, December 20, 1973
Libraries Offer Audio Cassettes
A new and exciting thing is happening at the Public Libraries in Frederick County. Any registered Frederick County Public Library borrower in good standing may sign up to borrow Audio Cassettes of music, plays, information and instruction. Applicants must sign a separate card for cassettes registration. An interesting selection of cassettes is being offered… In case you do not have a cassette player, there will be a player in each library. You may not borrow the cassette player. It is assumed that you will have one in your possession either your own or a borrowed one. We anticipate the starting of this program in early January.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, December 27, 1973
December 1998, 25 Years Ago
New After-School Program to Begin in January
Emmitsburg officials, working since June with the Frederick County Bureau of Parks and Recreation, have developed a comprehensive after-school youth program which will include homework assistance, supervised recreation, and social skill development.
“We now have a youth program!” said Mayor Carr. “Under Deborah Spaulding (sic), a county parks and recreation employee, Emmitsburg’s youth program will start in January, 1999.”
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, December 1998
Community Service
The Town of Emmitsburg would like to thank Mr. Don Briggs (Coach) and the Mount Saint Mary’s rugby team for their recent community service efforts. On Saturday, November 7, 1998, Coach Briggs and the rugby team volunteered their services to paint many of the curbs for the Town’s no-parking zones. This kind of interest and community service demonstrate just what an asset Coach Briggs and these young men are to their team, Mt. St. Mary’s, and our community.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, December 1998