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Once upon a time…

by James Rada, Jr.

October 1923, 100 Years Ago

New Lunch Room

Henry Weiss, proprietor of the New Thurmont Hotel, has secured the rooms in the Osler Building at Thurmont, formerly occupied by Wisotzkey Bros., in which, he will open a lunch room. He will still continue in the hotel business at the New Thurmont Hotel.

                                – Frederick Daily News, October 27, 1923

Purely Personal

Rev. J. L. Green, of Thurmont, left on Monday for Niagara Falls. He went by way of Harrisburg, where he joined friends who accompanied him. He will be gone about a week.

                                – Frederick Daily News, October 27, 1923

October 1948, 75 Years Ago

Seek Money Needed For School Work

A movement directed at the passage of a legislative act doubling the so-called “incentive fund” for new school construction was reported today to be gaining momentum as the County Commissioners gave further consideration to the proposed contract for additions to Thurmont High School.

Both the commissioners and members of the Board of Education were reported favorable toward the incentive fund increase plan and it was said that some State officials had exhibited an interest. Efforts will be made to enlist the aid of local legislators as well as representatives from other counties in the passage of such a measure.

                                – Frederick News, October 6, 1948

Deer Slayers Are Fined In State

Two men were fined $125 each today for shooting a deer out of season.

Leo B. Lewis of Emmitsburg and Sherman O. Lewis of Graceham pleaded guilty to charges of having a dead deer in their possession out of season and having loaded rifles in their automobile.

Magistrate William J. Stoner fined each $100 on the first count and $25 for the rifle charge. Both paid their fines.

                                – Cumberland News, October 15, 1948

October 1973, 50 Years Ago

Purchase Of Land For Park Completed

The Town of Emmitsburg completed purchase of a tract of land Monday estimated to be between 56 and 70 acres from Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Sanders. The tract lies west of Lincoln Avenue extended or the new school property, extending to the Frailey property and runs from South Alley to Tom’s Creek. It will be annexed and developed as a town park and used for recreational purposes. Purchase price was $79,500.

                                – Emmitsburg Chronicle, October 25, 1973

Health Congress Attended By Over One Hundred At Provincial House Here

The first Health Congress of the Southeast Province of the Daughters of Charity was held at St. Joseph’s Provincial House, Emmitsburg, October 19-20. The mood among the 115 Sisters who gathered was serious yet buoyant. To them the inalienable “right to life” guaranteed by the Constitution is indeed a self-evident truth. Facing daily pressure from the “new morality,” they seemed glad to come together for a mutual reaffirmation of the Christian and patriotic principles which guide their delivery of care.

                                – Emmitsburg Chronicle, October 25, 1973

October 1998, 25 Years Ago

Skatepark Needs Community Support

… You may have noticed the ramps (skaters call them quarter pipes) set up in the parking lot of the Antique Mall in town. During the evening, between 5:00 and 9:00 P.M., area youngsters and I enjoy the thrill of gliding over asphalt and wood as we challenge gravity. Despite my slightly overweight, thirty-something condition (and the accompanying physical limitations), I have found great joy in skating with people half my age (and younger). In the process, I have learned that some of our local youngsters are great people – they are friendly, caring, funny, and generally respectful. The “skatepark,” as we call it, has become an important part of life for area youngsters.

We are currently at a crossroads – the skatepark needs your help. There needs to be more adult supervision at the skatepark. While the skaters are generally well behaved, it makes sense to have responsible adults around to ensure that youngsters are safe, that misbehavior is kept to a minimum, and to send the message that we (adults) are interested in their lives and committed to their well being.

                                – The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, October 1998

CASS Welcomes New Area Director

On October 5, Bill Derbyshire, the new coordinator of the Community Agency School Services will take his office in the Emmitsburg Community Center. He is replacing Debbie Swiderski who gave birth to her baby girl in early September. 

            – The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, October 1998