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Once Upon a Time…

By James Rada, Jr.

September 1923, 100 Years Ago

Penna. Youth Killed In County Auto Crash

George Shell, the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shell, Williamsport, Pa., was killed in an automobile accident at Franklinville, Md., on the Frederick Road, about three miles south of Emmitsburg, at about 6 o’clock, Tuesday evening.

Young Shell was driving a machine, occupied by his father, mother, another woman, one other man and a child. The machine was traveling northward and as it was rounding a curve at the beginning of Franklinville, slipped from the road.

The automobile swung around, overturning. All of the occupants were thrown out and badly shaken up. All escaped serious injury, however, with the exception of Shell.

                                – Frederick Daily News, September 5, 1923

Artillery Camps Here Over Night

A battalion of field artillery of the United States Army, Capt. Percy G. Black, commander, passed through Frederick Sunday and camped for the night at the Fair Grounds. They left early today for Rockville, where they will pitch camp for the evening. They will return to Fort Myer, Va., a few miles south of Washington, tomorrow.

The battalion consisted of Batteries A, B and C, and the Headquarters Detachment and Headquarters Train of the Sixteenth Artillery. They are on the return from Tobyhanna, Pa., where they trained the Pennsylvania National Guardsmen.

They made the return trip by way of Gettysburg, Pa., and camped at Thurmont Saturday night.

                                – Frederick Daily News, September 24, 1923

September 1948, 75 Years Ago

Old Timers Lose To Town Team By 15-13

Thurmont athletes ranged from 1908 vintage to present day baseball ganged up to draw better than a $100 benefit gate, Labor Day, when the Town Team of Frederick County League bested the Old Timers, 15-13, by a ninth-inning thriller.

Proceeds of the holiday, “father and son” game, were donated to John Strine, injured earlier in the season playing with the Thurmont nine.

                                – Frederick News, September 6, 1948

Maryland CFA Has Annual Meeting Sunday In Thurmont

Approximately thirty members of the Dan Rice Top, Maryland division of the circus fans association, and their friends met in Thurmont Sunday, September 12th for the annual state meeting.

Meeting chairman George W. Wireman, president of the Lou Jacobs Tent No. 44 of Thurmont arranged a most interesting program which included master of ceremonies, Congressman J. Glenn Beall, Melvin D. Hildreth, past president of CFA and charter member from Washington, D.C., Dr. Wm. Mann, director of the National Zoological Park in Washington, and Mrs. Leah Lanyon, creator of the popular Emmett Kelly and Lou Jacobs clown dolls.

                                – Frederick News, September 15, 1948

September 1973, 50 Years Ago

Aerosol Cans Blamed For Fire

Discarded aerosol cans are believed to be the cause of a fire in the former Gingel Quarry which Emmitsburg and Fairfield firemen were unable to extinguish.

Fairfield Fire Chief Lawrence E. Eversole said the firemen reported twice last Wednesday to the quarry off Route 16, east of Zora, and now owned by W. B. Shank and used as a dump. After pumping thousands of gallons of water into it, firemen decided that nothing could be done but let the blaze burn itself out. The two fire companies finally extinguished the blaze Monday morning.

                                – Emmitsburg Chronicle, September 6, 1973

Town Receives Grant For Park

Acquisition of land south of West Main Street adjoining the corporate limits of Emmitsburg with a State grant of $80,520, is one of 3 park projects in Frederick County that have received funding from the State Program Open Space, as a result of action by the Board of Public Works, Governor Marvin Mandel has announced. The grant represents 100 per cent of the eligible project costs.

                                – Emmitsburg Chronicle, September 20, 1973

September 1998, 25 Years Ago

Mount Upbeat About New Community Club

A record freshman class, the return of students for the fall semester and the start of an exciting new cultural club with the Emmitsburg area community has produced a decidedly upbeat feeling on the campus.

On Thursday evening, Sept. 3, Mount Saint Mary’s College President George Houston is hosting a party at the President’s House on Old Emmitsburg Road to kickoff the formation of the Mount Community Social Club, designed to engage members of the community from Gettysburg to Frederick and all areas in between to take part in cultural and academic activities offered by the school.

                                – The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, September 1998

Dave Haller New Town Manager

David Haller resigned last month his newly elected position as a town commissioner to fill the town manager position vacated by Yvette Kreitz in June.

Mayor William Carr announced his selection for the job at the August 3 town meeting. Dr. Carr said about 40 applications for the position were reviewed. He felt the town was fortunate to get somebody with Haller’s qualification as well as having a town resident in the position. Mr. Haller has lived in Emmitsburg for the last 9 years.          

The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, September 1998