Once Upon A Time...
by James Rada, Jr.
Note: Newspaper excerpts are as they appeared in their respective issues.
April 1923, 100 Years Ago
The Lock Unlocked
Nearly 2000 keys were brought into Sam Long’s store and tried in the lock on Easter Monday, but the key that unlocked the lock and secured the furniture was not presented until Tuesday evening.
Mr. H. J. Snead was the possessor of the only key that would open the lock.
The smallest number of keys held by any one person was 1; the largest number was 110.
A great deal of interest was shown in the contest.
Sam says he is going to repeat the stunt, and then it will be a set of furniture made by the Thurmont Manufacturing Company.
– Catoctin Clarion, April 5, 1923
Disposing of Refuse
Beginning April 15, the town authorities will begin the hauling of refuse and ashes. As in former years, citizens should cooperate by having their ashes and refuse at convenient places so that the driver can load without carrying.
– Catoctin Clarion, April 12, 1923
April 1948, 75 Years Ago
Safe in Bogota
Word by cable and telegram has been received by his sister Mrs. Sam Starbuck, Thurmont, that Paul R. Kelbaugh is safe in Bogota with the U. S. Delegation attending the Inter-American Conference.
– Frederick News, April 17, 1948
State Police Report Finding Missing Woman
State Police at LaVale Barracks reported last night that Mrs. Mary May Crock, 26, who has been missing from her home the past several days has been found in Thurmont.
Mrs. Crock resided in Bowman’s Addition and left home apparently for the purpose of going to a local bank to withdraw $1,200 for the purchase of a new automobile.
– Cumberland News, April 22, 1948
April 1973, 50 Years Ago
Town Hears Detailed Report On Viking Ventures Proposed Resort
The Mayor, Commissioners, and members of the Planning and Zoning Commission met Tuesday night with Sheldon Erickson of Viking Ventures, Inc., regarding the proposed resort development to be built near the town. A group of sixteen citizens attended the meeting, most armed with questions and opinions.
In his presentation Mr. Erickson noted that the word “developer” had connotations that were in direct opposition to the Viking Ventures proposal. He noted that only about 4% of the 1,000 acres of land would be devoted to the physical plant and challenged the implication that this would degrade and deform the mountainside property. He stated that Viking Ventures, Inc., had received an attractive offer for their property from a developer who would like to subdivide it into building lots, but that was not what he felt the area deserved.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, April 5, 1973
Hearing On Route 15 Dualization
About 50 persons attended Tuesday night’s State Highway Administration hearing in Thurmont pertaining to the proposed dualization of U.S. Route 15 from Putnam Rd. north to the Pennsylvania State Line.
Thomas G. Mohler, district engineer for the SHA and Paul Mylash, assistant chief, Bureau of Special Services of the SHA, explained that U.S. 15 is being dualized because of the heavy volume of traffic now using the road.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, April 1, 1973
April 1998, 25 Years Ago
Community Center Rededicated
On Tuesday, March 24, approximately 150 people gathered for the Re-Opening Celebration of the Emmitsburg Community Center. The center, built in 1922 as a school, has recently undergone renovation to remove or abate hazardous materials and a construction upgrade to meet ADA standards by installing an elevator, additional bathrooms, and a new link between the old building and the auditorium.
To emphasize the connection between the building and the residents of the area, the new elevator addition was dedicated to Mary Higbee Hoke who has been associated with the building for seventy-five years as student, teacher, and champion of the library serving as librarian and as a member of the Library Advisory Board.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, April 1998
ECDC Visits North County
The Frederick County Economic and Community Development Commission met at Mount Saint Mary’s College on Wednesday, March 25, to hear presentations of economic and development concerns of the North Frederick County region. The commission, composed of business, civic, and government officials, is charged with oversight and promotion of the economic growth and development of Frederick County.
Marty Schillp, assistant to the president, Mount St. Mary’s College; Philip Postelle, Emmitsburg Town Commissioner; and Richard Mays, Clerk/Treasurer of the Town of Thurmont, presented overviews of their institutional and municipal plans and concerns.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, April 1998