Once Upon a Time
by James Rada, Jr.
August 1922, 100 Years Ago
Want Bank At Summit
A movement to start a bank at Blue Ridge Summit near the Frederick and Washington county line has been launched by certain business men of the vicinity, including a number of Baltimoreans who have homes at the resort during the summer, and a meeting for the purpose of starting the preliminary organization was held Friday evening. Dr. Stanley, of Baltimore presided over the meeting and explained the project.
– Catoctin Clarion, August 31, 1922
“Booze Powders” Declared Frauds
Home brewers and anti-Volsteadeans, beware the “booze powder”, is the warning sent broadcast by the Post Office Department in a recent circular. For stemming a tide-of “dehydrated” alcoholic beverages of reminiscent names is a steady job of the fraud section of the department.
Using the reputation of German chemists certain German concerns have distributed hundreds of thousands of circulars in the United States, offering for “one dollar only, Rhine wine, Moselle, Sherry, Port, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Tokay, Munich beer, Pilsner, Porter ale, etc.,” in a dried form say the Post Office Department. From the powder a gallon or two of the beverages indicated on the package can be made, the spurious circulars claim.
– Catoctin Clarion, August 31, 1922
August 1947, 75 Years Ago
Family Reunion Is Held At Mt. Tabor
On July 27 the Conrad Smith reunion was held at Mt. Tabor Park, Rocky Ridge, for the second annual meet since 1940, which recessed due to war conditions at that time. There were 138 members present.”
– Frederick News, August 5, 1947
Many Jobs Of Roads Board Under Way
Federal aid construction jobs are progressing rapidly and L. R. Waesche and Son have completed the LeGore-Rocky Ridge road while the M. J. Grove Company is making rapid progress on paving the road that will connect Johnsville with New Midway.
– Frederick News, August 29, 1947
August 1972, 50 Years Ago
Mount Saint Mary’s Readies For Coed Opening; Has Record Enrollment
Mount Saint Mary’s College, with 128 women comprising a large segment of a record enrollment, will begin its first year as a coed college next week.
According to Registrar Guy A. Baker, Jr., over 1,200 students are expected to register for the 1972-73 academic year, surpassing last year’s all-time high of 1150. Of this total, 98 women will be living on campus, making this the first resident coed enrollment in the Mount’s 165 year history.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, August 24, 1972
Lions Discuss Town Mail Delivery
The Emmitsburg Lions Club held its regular meeting Monday, August 14, with Acting President Norman Flax presiding. The club discussed the feasibility requesting door to door mail service in Emmitsburg. It was pointed out that such service is dependent upon having sidewalks throughout the town and correct house numbers.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, August 24, 1972
August 1997, 25 Years Ago
Garden Club Celebrates 40th Anniversary
The Silver Fancy Garden Club celebrated 40 years of membership in the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland with a luncheon on July 17 at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Taneytown.
The club, whose members are from the Emmitsburg-Taneytown area, was organized in 1954 and federated July 18, 1957. Today it has 20 active members, six associate members, and two honorary members.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, August 1997
Dot Davis and The Palms Reunited
The Palms Restaurant recently welcomed the return of co-owner Dot Davis to its busy kitchen. Ms. Davis, a well known resident of Emmitsburg, stated she is happy to be involved again in the day-to-day operations of the business. The restaurant has been in existence for thirty-five years, making it a landmark of the downtown area. The Davis family has maintained ownership in the restaurant since 1962.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, August 1997