Once Upon A Time
July 1922, 100 Years Ago
Phones Out
The storms of Saturday and Sunday played havoc with the telephone service in Thurmont. That of Saturday put a number of phones out of commission, and Sunday’s storm did still greater damage. They are being rapidly restored to usefulness.
– Catoctin Clarion, July 6, 1922
Emmitsburg Now Under A Second Class Ruling
The volume of mail handled at the Emmitsburg postoffice for the past year, due in a large measure to the large enrollments at the two institutions—Mount St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s Colleges—has advanced the standing from a third class to a second class office. This new arrangement went into effect July 1st. With this change, the office will now be under civil service and from a district postoffice, Emmitsburg will come under the head of a direct accounting postoffice.
– Catoctin Clarion, June 1, 1922
July 1947, 75 Years Ago
Wild Dogs In Mountains
County authorities planned to leave this afternoon to seek extermination of a pack of wild dogs reported to be operating in the vicinity of Camp Airy, in the mountains near Thurmont. There was a report that one of the dogs had bitten a child in that section. The pack was reported as “vicious.”
– Frederick News, July 22, 1947
Woman Fined After Wreck
Found guilty of reckless driving in connection with an accident near the State Sanatorium, at Sabillasville on June 17, in which four persons were injured. Mrs. Bessie R. Porter, Baltimore, was fined $10 and costs by Magistrate William J. Stoner in Thurmont Thursday.
A car driven by Mrs. Porter and a truck in which three residents of near Thurmont were riding, collided on Route 81. The truck turned over on the side and the driver, Herbert Biser, 18; his brother, Walter, 15, and Joseph Royer, 13, were so severely injured that they were hospitalized at Waynesboro, Pa. Royer had about 20 stitches taken in a head wound.
– Frederick News, July 23, 1947
July 1972, 50 Years Ago
Littering Will Close Recreation Areas
It has been brought to the attention of the Mayor and Commissioners that abuse, especially by means of littering, is becoming more evident at Rainbow Lake and other town properties. At Rainbow Lake where fishing is allowed, a permit must be secured, either from the Police Department or at the Town Office. Should littering as well as vandalism continue, the area will be restricted from public use. In the meantime, the local police will check the area more frequently for such offenders.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, July 13, 1972
Sixes Dam Would Help Flood Control
State Senator Edward J. Mason has asked a U.S. Senate Public Works subcommittee to consider the possibility of including flood control capabilities in the proposed Sixes Bridge Dam in an effort to avert another flood disaster of the magnitude recently witnessed in Frederick and Carroll Counties.
Mason, Republican nominee for the Sixth District Congress, asked U.S. Senator B. Everett Jordan, chairman of the flood controls, rivers and harbors subcommittee, in a letter to consider the flood control possibility during hearings on the needs for the proposed Potomac River Basin dam.
– Emmitsburg Chronicle, July 13, 1972
July 1997, 25 Years Ago
County Officials Get An Earful at Town’s School Meeting
Emmitsburg residents and town officials made it very clear at the meeting June 12 with two Frederick County school system officials and two Frederick County Commissioners that they want their children to go to school in their hometown. Mayor William Carr, members of the Emmitsburg School Committee, and a number of residents spoke before Mark Hoke, president of the Board of County Commissioners, Commissioners Ilona Hogan, school Superintendent Jack Dale, and Raymond Barnes, executive director of planning and facilities for Frederick County public schools, at the meeting held in the Emmitsburg Elementary School gymnasium.
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, July 1997
Mary Rohrbaugh Retires
Mary Rohrbaugh parked her bus and slipped into retirement, “at the top of my game,” she said. She began driving a school bus 44 years ago and drove an estimated 900,000 miles for Frederick County Public Schools, starting when her dad Clarence E. Hahn was a contractor. “Your duty performance has been nothing less than superb over the years,” said H. Michael Deener, transportation manager of FCPS, in his congratulatory remarks at the Bus Drivers banquet. “Your manner is worthy of emulation by others [drivers] and your safety record will be difficult to match.”
– The Emmitsburg Regional Dispatch, July 1997