North Frederick County Candidates Forum—Congressional District 8
On Thursday, October 13, 2016, the four candidates for the District 8 House of Representatives seat will participate in the Candidates Forum at the Thurmont Middle School cafeteria. The Forum is sponsored and hosted by the Thurmont Lions Club for the public and all are welcome. Candidates participating include Republican Dan Cox, Democrat Jamie Raskin, Green Party Nancy Wallace, and Libertarian Jasen Wunder. The start time is 7:00 p.m.; those attending should arrive by 6:45 p.m. to ensure seating. Plentiful parking at the Middle School is available in the lot off Summit Avenue, where the cafeteria entrance is located.
Each candidate will have the opportunity to speak, describing why he or she deserves your vote. Then, the candidates will be asked to respond to questions relevant to the voters in North Frederick County. Questions from the audience will also be posed to the candidates, time permitting. Each candidate will also be asked to summarize his/her positions on important national issues. Following the Forum, the candidates will remain to meet and talk with the attendees one-on-one.