Nancy Dutterer Service Award Presented
The Nancy Dutterer Service Award is awarded to a Lion member who doesn’t stop with their work with the Thurmont Lions Club. They assist and volunteer with other organizations in Thurmont, Frederick County, and beyond, a Lion who emulates their philosophy of giving of one’s self. The award was presented to Lion Joyce Anthony.
Lion Joyce has held the office of president, membership chair, and has served as secretary for numerous years. She not only works tirelessly for the Thurmont Lions Club as secretary and on many committees, she has prepared the newsletter for the Thurmont Lions Club for more than 11 years. She is the recipient of two Progressive Melvin Jones awards. Lion Joyce manages the Homeowners Association for Phase I of the JerMae Estates community as secretary/treasurer for 17 years, is a member of the Lewistown United Methodist Church, is a member of many committees, and is treasurer for the Lewistown United Methodist Women. She also is a board member and administrative assistant for the Catoctin Medical Center.
As a Lion, she has an excellent working relationship with the Town of Thurmont’s mayor and administrator. She often helps neighbors and friends by providing transportation, setting out trash and recycling bins, and picking up mail. She spearheaded the club’s Veterans’ Banner Project in recognition of past and present Veterans in the zip code of 21788 by having banners made and displayed on the lamp posts in the town of Thurmont.
Lion Joyce helps to prepare BBQ sauce and coleslaw for the pit sandwich sales, makes pounds and pounds of sloppy joe each year for Colorfest, and works all day at the pit sandwich sales and Colorfest in various positions. Congratulations to Lion Joyce.

Pictured are Lion Dianne McLean (left) and the Nancy Dutterer Service Award recipient, Lion Joyce Anthony.
Courtesy Photo